Speaking at the regular press conference for the fourth quarter on December 27, 2024, Ms. Do Thi Phong Lan, Deputy Director of the Department of Organization and Personnel, Ministry of Construction, said that regarding the organizational structure of the government, the number of focal points under the structure of the two ministries before the merger was 42 units, of which the Ministry of Construction had 19 units and the Ministry of Transport had 23 units.
It is expected that after the arrangement, merger and consolidation, there will be 24-27 units, a reduction of 35-41% of the total number of units.
In which: General staff block: 6 units (Office, Inspectorate, KHTC, TCCB, PC and HTQT).
The specialized block has about 13-16 units.
Public sector: 5 units.
Ms. Do Thi Phong Lan added that, regarding the content of the report summarizing the results of the Ministry of Construction's implementation of Resolution No. 18, the highlights that can be affirmed are:
Regarding the assigned staffing quota, the Ministry of Construction has never been assigned more than 400 positions and has gradually decreased over the years. In 2024, the number of positions assigned to the Ministry of Construction will be 357 positions and in the period 2022-2026, the Ministry will be assigned only 339 positions until the end of 2026.
In the context of that mission, the administrative agencies under the Ministry have basically been established, maintaining stable names and operating models for the past 4 terms.
Some agencies have been upgraded, transformed in model or reorganized and rearranged in the last two terms (from Department to Bureau, from Board to Department) all stemming from practical management requirements, the addition of tasks to the Ministry of Construction through each term and the requirement of administrative reform.
The Ministry has also promoted the consolidation of the internal organization of public service units; merged, arranged, and reorganized departments within units to reduce focal points, avoid overlapping functions and tasks, and reduce staff.
At the same time, strictly implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws in promoting the arrangement, equitization, divestment and restructuring of state-owned enterprises.
After 7 years of implementing Resolution 18, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction now has only 15 administrative units; the number of departments in administrative units has been reduced from 54 to 46 (equivalent to 28%); 74/532 focal points have been reduced, equivalent to 14% of the total number of focal points in public service units.
The Ministry of Construction has also transferred 5 enterprises to SCIC and divested all state capital in 5 enterprises.
Up to now, the Ministry of Construction only represents the owner in 6 enterprises, a decrease of 10 enterprises, equivalent to 62.5% of the total number of state-owned enterprises previously.
Also after 7 years of implementing Resolution 18, the number of allocated payroll expenditures of the Ministry of Construction decreased by 7.5%, to date there are only 357 payrolls; a decrease of 565 people, equivalent to 14% of the total number of employees receiving salaries from career revenue sources at public career units of the Ministry of Construction.
By 2024, the Ministry will only have about 3,500 people working with salaries from the state budget and 380 people working with salaries from career revenue sources.
"It can be affirmed that the Ministry of Construction has been streamlining its apparatus since before Resolution 18 and has further promoted it right after Resolution 18 was thoroughly understood and implemented," Ms. Do Thi Phong Lan emphasized.