Detailed information about 10 new communes in Thai Binh after the merger


Thai Binh - After rearranging commune-level administrative units, the entire Thai Binh province will have 223 communes, 10 wards and 9 towns.

On behalf of the National Assembly Standing Committee, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man has just signed and issued Resolution No. 1201/NQ-UBTVQH15 dated September 28, 2024 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the arrangement of commune-level administrative units of Thai Binh province, period 2023 - 2025. The Resolution will officially take effect from November 1, 2024.

According to the content of this resolution, Dong Hung district will establish Lien An Do commune on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Do Luong, An Chau and Lien Giang. After establishment, the new Lien An Do commune has a natural area of ​​13.14 km2, a population of 18,457 people, bordering Dong La, Dong Son, Me Linh, Nguyen Xa and Phu Luong communes of Dong Hung district; and also borders Hung Ha district and Quynh Phu district.

Phong Duong Tien commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Chuong Duong, Hop Tien and Phong Chau. After establishment, the new Phong Duong Tien commune had a natural area of ​​11.98 km2, a population of 16,526 people; bordering the communes of Lien Hoa, Lo Giang, Me Linh, Minh Phu, Nguyen Xa, Phu Chau, Phu Luong and Thang Long of Dong Hung district.

In addition, Xuan Quang Dong commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Dong Quang, Dong Xuan and Dong Dong. After establishment, the new Xuan Quang Dong commune has a natural area of ​​11.34 km2, a population of 19,212 people; bordering the communes of Dong Cac, Dong Duong, Dong Hop, Dong Hoang, Dong Vinh, Ha Giang, Phu Chau and Trong Quan of Dong Hung district; and bordering Thai Binh city.

Thus, after the arrangement, Dong Hung district has 32 commune-level administrative units, including 31 communes and 1 town.

In Quynh Phu district, Trang Bao Xa commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Quynh Bao, Quynh Trang and Quynh Xa. After establishment, the new Trang Bao Xa commune has a natural area of ​​12.46 km2, a population of 16,919 people; bordering An Vinh, Dong Hai, Quynh Hoi, Quynh Hung, Quynh My, Quynh Nguyen communes of Quynh Phu district and bordering Dong Hung district.

After the arrangement, Quynh Phu district has 35 commune-level administrative units, including 33 communes and 2 towns.

In Kien Xuong district, Thong Nhat commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Dinh Phung, Nam Cao and Thuong Hien. After establishment, the new Thong Nhat commune has a natural area of ​​12.74 km2, a population of 16,098 people; bordering the communes of Binh Minh, Hoa Binh, Le Loi, Quang Lich, Thanh Tan, the town of Kien Xuong district and bordering Tien Hai district.

Hong Vu commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Vu Binh, Vu Hoa and Vu Thang. After establishment, the new Hong Vu commune had a natural area of ​​13.80 km2, a population of 17,141 people, bordering the communes of Quang Binh, Minh Tan, Vu Cong and Vu Trung of Kien Xuong district; and bordering Vu Thu district and Nam Dinh province.

Thus, after the arrangement, Kien Xuong district has 29 commune-level administrative units, including 28 communes and 1 town.

In Tien Hai district, Dong Quang commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Dong Trung, Dong Quy and Dong Phong. After establishment, the new Dong Quang commune has a natural area of ​​15.67 km2, a population of 16,880 people, bordering the communes of Dong Co, Dong Hoang, Dong Minh, Dong Tra, Dong Xuyen, Tay Luong, Tay Ninh and Tien Hai town of Tien Hai district; and bordering Thai Thuy district;

Ai Quoc commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of Tay Phong and Tay Tien communes. After establishment, the new Ai Quoc commune had a natural area of ​​10.13 km2, a population of 9,133 people, bordering the communes of Bac Hai, Dong Lam, Nam Chinh, Nam Cuong, Nam Ha, Nam Tien, Phuong Cong, Tay Giang and Van Truong of Tien Hai district.

Nam Tien commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of Nam Thanh and Nam Thang communes. After establishment, the new Nam Tien commune had a natural area of ​​9.70 km2, a population of 19,366 people, bordering Ai Quoc, Nam Chinh, Nam Cuong, Nam Hung, Nam Thinh and Nam Trung communes of Tien Hai district.

Thus, after the arrangement, Tien Hai district has 28 commune-level administrative units, including 27 communes and 1 town.

In Hung Ha district, Quang Trung commune was established on the basis of merging the entire natural area and population of the three communes of Dan Chu, Diep Nong and Hung Dung. After establishment, the new Quang Trung commune has a natural area of ​​17.68 km2, a population of 23,379 people, bordering the communes of Duyen Hai, Doan Hung, Thong Nhat and Van Cam of Hung Ha district; and at the same time bordering Quynh Phu district and Hung Yen province.

After the arrangement, Hung Ha district has 33 commune-level administrative units, including 31 communes and 2 towns.


Các mức hỗ trợ một lần công chức cấp xã dôi dư tại Thái Bình

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Công chức cấp xã dôi dư do sắp xếp đơn vị hành chính trên địa bàn tỉnh Thái Bình được hưởng hỗ trợ một lần, ngoài chính sách chung theo quy định.

Tỉnh Nam Định sẽ dư 1.116 cán bộ sau sắp xếp lại huyện, xã


Theo báo cáo của Chính phủ, sau sắp xếp đơn vị hành chính cấp huyện, xã tại 3 tỉnh: Nam Định, Sóc Trăng, Tuyên Quang sẽ dôi dư 1.158 cán bộ, công chức.

3 tỉnh đầu tiên giảm 53 đơn vị hành chính cấp xã sau sắp xếp


Sau sắp xếp đơn vị hành chính, tỉnh Nam Định giảm 1 đơn vị hành chính cấp huyện, giảm 51 xã. Tỉnh Tuyên Quang và Sóc Trăng đều giảm 1 xã sau sắp xếp.

Hệ lụy tiềm ẩn từ việc phụ huynh lạm dụng kháng sinh cho trẻ

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

Việc lạm dụng kháng sinh cho trẻ em đang trở thành mối lo ngại lớn, với nguy cơ kháng thuốc và các tác dụng phụ nghiêm trọng.

Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

Chính sách thu hút đầu tư và cơ chế ưu đãi của Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng nhận được sự quan tâm lớn từ cộng đồng doanh nghiệp.

Loạt thương hiệu âm thầm rời khỏi mặt bằng "đất vàng" Hà Nội

Thu Giang |

Hà Nội - Nhiều thương hiệu, cửa hàng kinh doanh đang âm thầm rút lui khỏi mặt bằng tuyến phố trung tâm Thủ đô.

Tin 20h: “Sâu đẻ ra tiền” nhiễm bệnh hàng loạt ở Lâm Đồng


“Sâu đẻ ra tiền” nhiễm bệnh hàng loạt ở Lâm Đồng; Dân lo lắng khi bãi biển dự kiến thành nơi đổ chất nạo vét...

CII chi hàng nghìn tỉ đồng đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới

Lục Giang |

CII có những động thái đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới. Trong khi đó, công ty phải lùi thời gian trả cổ tức để cơ cấu lại nguồn tiền đầu tư và trả nợ trái phiếu.

One-time support levels for redundant commune-level civil servants in Thai Binh

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Surplus commune-level civil servants due to administrative unit rearrangement in Thai Binh province are entitled to one-time support, in addition to the general policy according to regulations.

Nam Dinh province will have a surplus of 1,116 officials after reorganizing districts and communes


According to the Government's report, after arranging district and commune administrative units in 3 provinces: Nam Dinh, Soc Trang, Tuyen Quang, there will be 1,158 redundant officials and civil servants .

The first 3 provinces reduced 53 commune-level administrative units after arrangement


After arranging administrative units , Nam Dinh province reduced 1 district-level administrative unit and 51 communes. Tuyen Quang and Soc Trang provinces both reduced one commune after the arrangement.