Ho Chi Minh City reviews and replaces weak bridges


Ho Chi Minh City still has many old iron bridges, built before 1975, facing the risk of collapse due to serious degradation.

To overcome this, Ho Chi Minh City has been implementing projects to build new replacement bridges to ensure safety and increase connectivity.

Hold your breath across the rickety bridges in Nha Be

Le Van Luong Street runs through two communes, Phuoc Kien and Nhon Duc, connecting Nha Be District (HCMC) and Can Giuoc District (Long An Province). On this route, there were previously four iron bridges, including Rach Dia, Long Kieng, Rach Tom and Rach Doi. These bridges were all built before 1975, with the same steel structure and degraded. Currently, the new Long Kieng Bridge has been opened to traffic, the new Rach Dia Bridge is under construction, but the remaining two bridges have not been rebuilt.

Rach Doi Bridge is currently one of the most worrisome weak bridges. Many of the iron piers are rusted and riddled with holes, making the bridge structure very fragile. Despite its severe deterioration, Rach Doi Bridge still has to bear a large load of traffic, from motorbikes, cars to trucks. Under the bridge, cargo ships, especially ferries loaded with sand, move frequently, creating a risk of collision with the bridge's footing.

Rach Tom Bridge is in no better condition. With a width of only about 3m, this bridge is often jammed with traffic during rush hour. The bridge has no sidewalk, forcing people to risk their lives crossing the middle of the traffic. Every time a large truck moves across the bridge, the iron plates on the surface shake violently, increasing the insecurity of the people.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy (Nha Be district) shared: "When there are many vehicles, the bridge shakes and makes me very scared. I just hope it doesn't collapse like the old Long Kieng bridge a few years ago."

Cau Rach Dia moi tren duong Le Van Luong se hoan thanh va thong xe cuoi nam nay. Anh: Anh Tu
The new Rach Dia Bridge on Le Van Luong Street will be completed and open to traffic by the end of this year. Photo: Anh Tu

Replace weak bridges on Le Van Luong Street

To address the deterioration of bridges on Le Van Luong Street, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport has proposed including the construction projects of new Rach Tom and Rach Doi bridges in the investment plan from now until 2030.

The Rach Tom Bridge project was approved by the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport in 2019 with a total investment of nearly VND497 billion. The new bridge is expected to be 171m long, 15m wide, with an approach road of more than 512m long. However, due to the lack of medium-term funding for the 2021-2025 period, the project is still stalled. Currently, the Department of Transport has proposed allocating about VND260 billion in the 2024-2025 period to clear the site and is expected to be completed and open to traffic by the end of 2026.

Meanwhile, the new Rach Doi bridge project was approved in 2016, but has not yet been implemented due to difficulties in balancing capital sources. The new Rach Doi bridge will be 452m long, 15m wide with an approach road of about 300m. Of the total investment, Ho Chi Minh City will cover the cost of site clearance of about VND265 billion, while the section through Long An province is expected to cost about VND85 billion and will be implemented by this locality. It is expected that Rach Doi bridge will be completed in 2028, after Ho Chi Minh City adjusts the investment policy this year.

According to Mr. Luong Minh Phuc - Director of the Department of Investment and Construction Management of Traffic Works in Ho Chi Minh City, many weak bridges have been rebuilt and put into use, typically Long Kieng and Phuoc Loc bridges (Nha Be district), or Vam Sat 2 bridge (Can Gio district). It is expected that at the end of September, Nam Ly bridge on Do Xuan Hop street (Thu Duc city) will be opened to traffic, helping to replace the narrow and degraded Rach Chiec dam bridge.

Rach Dia Bridge on Le Van Luong Street, connecting Nha Be and District 7, has completed 81% of the construction volume. Seven out of nine bridge girder spans have been installed. The construction of the bridge deck and remaining girder spans is being accelerated, with the entire project expected to be completed by December 2024.


Người dân mong sớm đi trên cây cầu 748 tỉ ở khu Nam TPHCM

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

TPHCM - Hiện cầu Phước Long cũ (huyện Nhà Bè) đã xuống cấp, luôn xảy ra kẹt xe, người dân mong dự án sớm hoàn thành, lưu thông thuận tiện hơn.

Những cây cầu chục năm tuổi ở TPHCM tiềm ẩn nhiều nguy cơ

Anh Tú - Minh Tâm |

Cầu Sài Gòn 1, Bình Triệu 1, Tân Thuận 1 là các cây cầu lâu đời ở TPHCM. Sở GTVT TPHCM đề nghị các đơn vị liên quan kiểm tra những công trình này trong mùa mưa.

Cây cầu giải cứu ùn tắc khu Đông TPHCM chuẩn bị thông xe

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Cầu Nam Lý trên đường Đỗ Xuân Hợp, 1 nhánh cầu Ông Bồn trên đường Bưng Ông Thoàn hiện đã cơ bản hoàn thành và dự kiến thông xe trong tháng 9.

Hòa Bình di dời khẩn cấp người dân trong đêm, tránh sạt lở

Minh Nguyễn |

Hòa Bình - Tối 22.9, người dân ở tổ 1, phường Thống Nhất, TP Hòa Bình phải di dời khẩn cấp để đảm bảo an toàn, tránh sạt lở.

BRICS có khả năng trở thành khối lớn nhất hành tinh

Khánh Minh |

23 quốc gia chính thức nộp đơn xin gia nhập BRICS trước hội nghị thượng đỉnh BRICS năm 2024.

Người dân dỡ nhà, giao đất làm đường 57km qua Hà Nội


Hà Nội - Nhiều người dân huyện Mê Linh đồng loạt tháo dỡ nhà để bàn giao mặt bằng cho dự án Vành đai 4.

Nối nghiệp cha ông, cốm Mễ Trì đỏ lửa những ngày vào mùa


Dù công việc vất vả, nhưng nhiều gia đình tại làng cốm Mễ Trì Thượng (Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội) vẫn cố gắng giữ lửa nghề, nối nghiệp cha ông.

Cuộc sống của người dân khu tập thể cũ ở Hà Nội sau bão số 3

Nhật Minh - Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Sống trong những khu tập thể cũ như A7 Tân Mai; G6A Thành Công… cư dân luôn nơm nớp lo, nhất là vào mùa mưa bão.

People hope to soon walk on the 748 billion bridge in the South of Ho Chi Minh City

Minh Tâm - Anh Tú |

HCMC - Currently, the old Phuoc Long bridge (Nha Be district) has degraded and traffic jams always occur. People hope the project will be completed soon and traffic will be more convenient.

Decade-old bridges in Ho Chi Minh City pose many potential risks

Anh Tú - Minh Tâm |

Saigon 1, Binh Trieu 1, and Tan Thuan 1 bridges are the oldest bridges in Ho Chi Minh City. The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport has requested relevant agencies to inspect these structures during the rainy season.

Bridge to relieve traffic congestion in the East of Ho Chi Minh City is about to open

Tâm Tú |

HCMC - Nam Ly Bridge on Do Xuan Hop Street and a branch of Ong Bon Bridge on Bung Ong Thoan Street have been basically completed and are expected to open to traffic in September.