Due to land problems, construction of the hundred billion road in Lao Cai is sluggish

Đinh Đại |

Investing nearly 140 billion VND to renovate and upgrade, Provincial Road 160 in Lao Cai is facing difficulties due to land problems.

Project to renovate and upgrade Provincial Road 160, section from National Highway 279 (in Xuan Hoa commune) to Xuan Thuong, Bao Yen district (Km41-Km63) has a total investment of 138 billion VND, funded by the Management Board. Transport construction investment project Lao Cai province is the investor.

According to research, the project will start construction at the end of 2023, expected to be completed and put into use in April 2025. The construction unit includes a joint venture of Vu Thanh Company Limited - 873 Joint Stock Company - Lao Cai Construction and Inspection Joint Stock Company.

However, up to now, many sections of this project are still unfinished. Currently, only 3 km of the total 13.5 km has been cleared.

Provincial Road 160, section from National Highway 279 (in Xuan Hoa commune) to Xuan Thuong, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai (Km41- Km63). Photo: Dinh Dai
Provincial Road 160, section from National Highway 279 (in Xuan Hoa commune) to Xuan Thuong, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai (Km41- Km63). Photo: Dinh Dai

As recorded by a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper in the last days of July, on Provincial Highway 160 running from National Highway 279 through Xuan Hoa and Xuan Thuong communes, upgrading and renovation is taking place sluggishly. Some road sections are under construction, making people's travel difficult.

Contractors are currently constructing the roadbed section Km41-Km44; Construction and installation of D100 circular sewer system at some locations; complete slope retaining wall; Mai Thuong bridge construction...

The slope next to the bridge is under construction.
The slope next to the bridge is under construction.

Information from the Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board of Lao Cai province, up to now, units have only completed approximately 26% of the total contract volume.

The project has difficulty ensuring construction progress due to slow site clearance work.

The reason is that the land plots of some households have overlaps between forest land and other types of land, so the Land Registration Office of Bao Yen district has not extracted the extract to issue land recovery notices; Some households have not yet completed land inheritance procedures.

However, currently the project has only completed a number of works, bridges and culverts and is waiting for site handover.
However, currently the project has only completed a number of works, bridges and culverts and is waiting for site handover.

In addition, because the assets and trees of some households are located on road traffic corridor land, land managed by the Commune People's Committee, river and stream land and traffic land, it is difficult for the owner to prepare release documents. premises, it takes a lot of time to verify and confirm the time of creation of the property and the origin of the land.

On the other hand, it is currently the rainy season, so it affects the asphalt concrete pavement plan.

Because it is entering the rainy season, machinery and human resources cannot carry out construction.
Because it is entering the rainy season, machinery and human resources cannot carry out construction.
Muddy roads make traveling difficult.
Muddy roads make traveling difficult.

Previously, in mid-July 2024, during an inspection trip to key projects in the province, Vice Chairman of Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Trong Hai asked the locality to focus on removing difficulties and obstacles in site clearance. Flexibly deploy propaganda solutions and mobilize people to quickly hand over the site to construction units.

In addition, it is necessary to closely monitor the construction progress. If it is not guaranteed, we must have a decisive attitude, possibly adding subcontractors, and at the same time strictly punish contractors who violate contract progress.

The hundreds of billions project to upgrade roads in Lao Cai is sluggish
Đinh Đại

Lào Cai có tân Trưởng Ban Nội chính Tỉnh ủy

Đinh Đại |

Bí thư huyện ủy Mường Khương Giàng Quốc Hưng được bổ nhiệm giữ chức vụ Trưởng ban Nội chính Tỉnh ủy Lào Cai.

Chủ tịch MTTQ Lào Cai giữ chức vụ Bí thư huyện Mường Khương

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