Finding solutions to ensure traffic safety on highways

Xuyên Đông |

The Ministry of Transport has just explained the cause of the accident, thereby finding solutions to ensure traffic safety on the highway.

Recently, many serious traffic accidents have occurred on the highway. This requires ministries and sectors to assess the causes and find solutions.

Recently, Binh Dinh voters requested the Ministry of Transport, together with relevant ministries and branches, to inspect, evaluate, and clarify the causes of traffic accidents on a number of highways and find solutions.

Voters also recommended that the Ministry of Transport study the construction of new highways and rest stops on highways that meet standards and ensure traffic safety.

Responding to this issue, the Ministry of Transport said that it has coordinated with relevant ministries and branches to inspect, evaluate, and clarify the causes of traffic accidents on a number of highways and simultaneously deploy solutions to overcome existing problems on a number of highways.

The Ministry directed the Vietnam Road Administration to closely coordinate with the Traffic Police Department, Traffic Safety Committee, and Departments of Transport of localities where the expressway passes through to increase patrols and traffic control on the routes, strictly handle violations, especially violations of speed, lane encroachment, and reckless overtaking.

The Ministry of Transport also regularly monitors and detects emerging issues to supplement and adjust traffic safety works to overcome them, gradually improving traffic safety on highways; at the same time, it organizes propaganda and strengthens the dissemination of road laws to raise awareness of compliance of traffic participants on highways, limiting violations leading to traffic accidents arising from the awareness of traffic participants.

The Road Law and the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law, passed by the 15th National Assembly at the 7th session, will take effect from January 1, 2025.

Currently, the Ministry of Transport is presiding over and coordinating with the Ministry of Public Security and relevant agencies to develop Decrees and Circulars guiding the two above-mentioned Laws, which will provide synchronous and strict regulations on the management, exploitation and protection of expressway traffic infrastructure and specific regulations on the responsibilities of relevant agencies, organizations and individuals, as well as measures to strictly handle violations of road traffic safety regulations, especially on expressways.

Following the direction of the Prime Minister in Official Dispatch No. 16/CD-TTg dated February 21, 2024, the Ministry of Transport has developed an investment plan to upgrade the expressways in operation and under investment according to the planned scale, and submitted it to the Prime Minister in Official Dispatch No. 3790/BGTVT-CDCTVN dated April 9, 2024.

Currently, the Ministry of Transport is continuing to coordinate with ministries and branches to review appropriate capital sources to report to competent authorities for consideration and decision.

Once approved by competent authorities, the Ministry of Transport will organize the implementation of investment in the construction and upgrading of expressways according to the planning and technical requirements of national standards. The operation of the routes will basically ensure safety and stability, gradually meeting voters' recommendations.

Regarding the research content on building new highways and highway rest stops according to standards to ensure traffic safety:

The Ministry of Transport will organize the investment, construction and exploitation of expressways in accordance with the provisions of the Road Law, national technical regulations on expressways, and synchronously construct items such as traffic management and operation centers; rest stops; non-stop electronic toll collection systems for toll roads; vehicle load inspection stations... to ensure traffic safety and effective exploitation of expressways.

Xuyên Đông

Những lưu ý an toàn giao thông với xe siêu trường siêu trọng

Xuyên Đông |

Luật Trật tự an toàn giao thông đường bộ, hiệu lực từ 1.1.2025 có quy định về đảm bảo an toàn giao thông với xe siêu trường siêu trọng.

Xử lý nghiêm lái xe vi phạm trật tự an toàn giao thông

Minh Hạnh |

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Đảm bảo an toàn giao thông trong dịp nghỉ lễ Quốc khánh

Hà Anh |

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Sửa Luật Công đoàn phải phù hợp với thể chế chính trị

Bảo Hân - Hải Nguyễn |

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Tô Thế |

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Mai Dung |

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Tường Vân |

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Traffic safety notes for oversized and overweight vehicles

Xuyên Đông |

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Ensuring traffic safety during National Day holidays

Hà Anh |

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