Volkswagen unexpectedly releases images of upcoming SUV model

HẠO THIÊN (Theo Volkswagen) |

According to information from Volkswagen Vietnam, the company will launch a 6-seat SUV model in October.

Volkswagen Viet Nam he lo thong tin ve mot mau SUV sap ra mat vao thang 10. Anh: Volkswagen
Volkswagen Vietnam revealed information about an SUV model to be launched in October. Photo: Volkswagen

Although the company did not give a specific name but only revealed the image of the rear of the car with the word President, looking at the posted images, it is easy to see that this is the Volkswagen Teramont in the Chinese market.

This model is different from the Teramont, which is also being distributed in Vietnam and is imported from the US, but has many similarities in design with the Teramont X, which has been sold in Vietnam since March.

According to the distributor, the new SUV has a strong, masculine design, combining the versatility and convenience of an MPV. However, it is still unclear whether this new Teramont model will be sold alongside the US imported version or will completely replace it.

The strategy of increasing imports from China helps shorten shipping time and access the market more easily thanks to some similarities in Vietnamese consumer tastes. In addition, this strategy will help Volkswagen Vietnam have more product options. The new Teramont is also the third car model imported from China.

 khong neu ten cu the, chi de lo hinh anh phia duoi xe voi chu President am chi phien ban tap trung cho trai nghiem noi that.
Volkswagen did not give a specific name, only revealing the image of the rear of the car with the word President referring to the version focused on the interior experience. Photo: Volkswagen

In China, the Teramont is selling its second generation. The car is manufactured at a joint venture factory between Volkswagen and SAIC (China's largest state-owned automobile group). The car is distributed in two configurations: 6 seats and 7 seats.

The distributor said that the new Teramont that will be sold in Vietnam is a 6-seat model with 2 separate business-class seats in the middle row. The Teramont version imported from the US is currently only sold in a 7-seat configuration. For the Teramont line alone, Vietnamese customers will have 3 different choices in product design.

Teramont imported from China is equipped with a 2.0 TSI turbocharged engine with a capacity of 217 horsepower at 4,900-6,700 rpm, with a torque of 350 Nm at 1,600-4,300 rpm. In addition, the dual-clutch transmission is up to 7 speeds, 4WD 4-wheel drive.

Dealers have now accepted deposits for Volkswagen's new Teramont model with an expected delivery date of around October 2024. In Vietnam, the US-imported Teramont version currently costs around VND2 billion 138 million.

HẠO THIÊN (Theo Volkswagen)

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