Thanh Hoa voters have proposed that the Government adjust the policy of supporting workers to work abroad according to the National Target Program (NTP) for Sustainable Poverty Reduction and the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas from individual support to full support for workers in each labor market.
Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has issued a written response.
Accordingly, currently, regulations on payment support for workers working abroad under contracts under the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction and the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority Areas are being implemented according to Circular No. 55/2023/TT-BTC.
Clause 3, Article 25 of Circular No. 55/2023/TT-BTC stipulates the method of payment of support funds for cases where employees have completed their training and are waiting to leave the country. Accordingly, the Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs Agency will support based on invoices or receipts for training, vocational skills training, foreign language training, health check-ups, passports, visas, criminal records and related documents proving that employees are eligible for support.
Through monitoring and supervising the implementation of policies in recent times, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has received opinions from a number of localities proposing to adjust regulations on payment by supporting employees with an amount of money when they are eligible to work abroad without having to provide documents and invoices (training costs, vocational skills training, foreign languages, passports, visas, health check-ups, etc.).
In response to voters' recommendations, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs will coordinate and propose to relevant agencies to amend regulations on the implementation of policies to support workers.