Exceeding target is still a concern
The Department of Overseas Labor Management (Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs) said that in the first 11 months of 2024, the total number of Vietnamese workers working abroad was 143,160 people, reaching 114% of the 2024 plan.
Japan is still the leading market for receiving Vietnamese workers, with 69,188 workers; followed by Taiwan (China) with 53,271 workers; and South Korea: 11,273 workers. Workers in South Korea have the highest income, from 1,500 to 2,000 USD; followed by Japan with 1,200 to 1,500 USD; and Taiwan (China) with 800 to 1,200 USD. The Middle East and Malaysia markets recorded lower salaries, ranging from 600 to 1,000 USD for skilled workers and 400 to 600 USD for unskilled workers.
According to statistics, currently about 700,000 Vietnamese workers working abroad send home from 3.5 to 4 billion USD each year.
In addition to traditional labor markets, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs is striving to promote the development of a number of new potential markets such as Australia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Finland, etc.
Despite many achievements, the Japanese market has recently experienced a number of incidents that directly affect workers' rights.
In mid-December 2024, a group of about 150 workers went to work in Japan through two sources: One source went from Vietnam without going through dispatching companies; the second source was a company in Japan that recruited workers in Japan itself. This group called for help because a human resource supply company in Aichi Prefecture (Japan) owed them salaries for September and October 2024.
According to Mr. Phan Tien Hoang, Head of the Labor Management Board (Board), Vietnamese Embassy in Japan, the Board closely supports workers in claiming their rights and working with relevant parties in Japan, however, there needs to be a processing process according to regulations.
At the end of December 2024, a group of 83 Vietnamese workers were refused their November 2024 salaries by LP Staff Company in Shizuoka Prefecture, totaling tens of millions of yen. Previously, on December 28, 2024, the 83 workers received notice that the company was in the process of bankruptcy and would terminate their contracts after 30 days due to financial difficulties. The total salary owed by the company is estimated to be tens of millions of yen.
The workers who were owed wages mainly worked under the residence status of "Engineer - Humanities - International Business" (technician visa).
Learn carefully to avoid risks
Speaking with Lao Dong reporter on January 13, 2025, Mr. Dang Sy Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Overseas Labor Management (Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs) - said that there are many risks that workers face when going to work in Japan without going through a dispatching company in Vietnam but through individuals, unlicensed businesses, brokers...
“Employees must find a business with a labor export license; carefully study the contract, from salary, working conditions, work location, job/industry, labor protection/safety... agree with all the content and terms before signing. During the transaction and working process with the business, employees must also keep all invoices and documents,” Mr. Dang Sy Dung noted.
Another point that Mr. Dang Sy Dung especially emphasized is that during the process of training, education, and orientation of employees, the file always includes important phone numbers for contact when needed. “When something happens, employees immediately contact the company representative, the Labor Management Board, the embassy, the local labor agency, etc. They can even call home, send letters and questions to the Department of Overseas Labor Management through relatives. Absolutely do not leave the house when something happens, do not resist by force,” Mr. Dang Sy Dung emphasized.
Mr. Dang Sy Dung added that Vietnamese workers still have the habit of not seeing each other for a long time or gathering together during holidays and festivals... Some people even stay out too late at night and cannot go to work the next day. Meanwhile, Japan currently celebrates the New Year instead of the Lunar New Year like our country. Workers must pay attention to respecting the privacy of local people, local customs and culture.
“The current forms of sending workers to Japan are quite “chaotic”, workers who want to go to work abroad must pay special attention. Regarding the group of Japanese enterprises recruiting workers from Vietnam, after specific incidents that have arisen recently, the Department of Labor Management will work with the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan to find out,” said Mr. Dang Sy Dung.