The Ministry of Health is currently developing a new special allowance regime for the profession

Thùy Linh |

The Ministry of Health is currently implementing the establishment of a compensation system allowance in favor of the profession as a replacement for Decree No. 56, expected to be issued in 2024.

The New Regulations allowance for Civil Servants Managing Primary Healthcare Facilities

According to information from the Ministry of Health, in recent times, citizens of some provinces and cities have proposed "adding new regulations and allowances for civil servants on temporary assignment to ensure their living standards during their working period".

In response to this proposal, the Ministry of Health stated that it has taken note of the citizens' opinions to compile and submit them to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision-making in accordance with the actual situation and relevant directives from competent authorities.

Regarding regulations and policies, citizens have requested consideration of adding the medical profession to the list of occupations, jobs, and hazardous work that allows for early retirement within 5 years to ensure the health of civil servants, employees, and the quality of healthcare services for the people.

The Ministry of Health stated that early retirement without exceeding 5 years for heavy, hazardous, and dangerous occupations is regulated in the Labor Code and Social Insurance Law. Therefore, considering adding the medical profession to the list of occupations, jobs, and hazardous work that allows for early retirement within 5 years is not within the Ministry's authority. The Ministry of Health has acknowledged the citizens' proposals and suggestions and will actively participate in providing opinions when requested by competent authorities.

Regarding the citizens' request related to increasing the allowance for leadership positions of civil servants, the Ministry of Health stated that on May 16, 2024, the Ministry of Health issued Circular No. 06/2024/TT-BYT regulating the classification of healthcare facilities.

According to this Circular, the attached appendix regulates the standards for classifying district-level healthcare centers, and the allowance for leadership positions has been adjusted as follows:

Head of Primary Healthcare Center: the allowance has been increased to 0.3;

Deputy Head of Primary Healthcare Center: the allowance has been increased to 0.2.

Request to Increase allowance for Civil Servants

Citizens have requested "adding an allowance for hazardous professions to the social insurance contributions for civil servants and employees to ensure their rights and living standards when they retire according to the regulations";

"Request to increase the allowance for hazardous professions for civil servants working in population and family planning, such as primary healthcare staff; increase the allowance to 100% for all civil servants and employees working at public healthcare facilities as per Decree 56/2011/NĐ-CP dated July 4, 2011 (Currently, the allowance for hazardous professions is 30%)";

"Request to consider increasing the allowance for support for leadership staff, civil servants, and employees working in administrative positions: Leadership Board, Personnel and Population Department, Health Care Department, Nursing Department, and other departments as per Decree 05/2023/NĐ-CP dated February 15, 2023 of the Government".

In response to these issues, the Ministry of Health stated that currently, the allowance for hazardous professions for civil servants working at public healthcare facilities is implemented in accordance with the following regulations:

Decree No. 56/2011/NĐ-CP dated July 4, 2011 of the Government regulating the allowance for hazardous professions for civil servants working at public healthcare facilities;

Decree No. 05/2023/NĐ-CP dated February 15, 2023 of the Government amending and supplementing some articles of Decree No. 56/2011/NĐ-CP;

Joint Circular No. 02/2012/TTLT-BYT-BNV-BTC guiding Decree No. 56/2011/NĐ-CP regulating the allowance for hazardous professions for civil servants working at public healthcare facilities issued by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Finance.

In accordance with Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 of the Central Committee on reforming policies on wages for civil servants, employees, and armed forces, and Resolution No. 99/2023/QH15 dated June 24, 2023 of the National Assembly on supervising the mobilization, management, and use of resources for COVID-19 prevention and control, the Ministry of Health is implementing the development of a new allowance for hazardous professions to replace Decree No. 56/2011/NĐ-CP dated July 4, 2011 of the Government, expected to be issued in 2024.

Thùy Linh

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nhóm pv |

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