Ministry of Health responds to allowances for science and technology officials

Hương Giang |

The Ministry of Health has just answered questions related to the occupational allowance regime for science and technology officials.

Reader Nguyen Binh An (reader's name has been changed - PV) said he is working at a District Health Center, specializing in food safety, Faculty of Public Health and Nutrition - Food Safety.

"I graduated from college of food technology, code V.05.02.08, previously held code 13.095. I would like to ask, am I entitled to 40% preferential allowance for my job? To receive 40%, what conditions do I have to meet?" - a reader asked.

Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Health responded as follows:

Currently, the preferential allowance regime according to profession for civil servants working at public health facilities is implemented according to the provisions of the following documents: Decree No. 56/2011/ND-CP dated July 4, 2011 of the Government regulating the preferential allowance regime according to profession for civil servants and public employees working at public health facilities;

Next is Joint Circular No. 02/2012/TTLT-BYT-BNV-BTC dated January 19, 2012 of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance guiding the implementation of Decree No. 56/2011/ND-CP and Decree No. 05/2023/ND-CP of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 56/2011/ND-CP.

On October 1, 2014, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Home Affairs issued Joint Circular No. 24/2014/TTLT-BKHCN-BNV regulating codes and standards for professional titles of civil servants specializing in science and technology; the Circular takes effect from December 1, 2014.

Accordingly, Joint Circular No. 24/2014/TTLT-BKHCN-BNV replaces Decision No. 11/2006/QD-BNV dated October 5, 2006 of the Minister of Home Affairs on promulgating professional standards for civil servant ranks in the field of science and technology; abolishes regulations on the list of civil servant ranks related to the field of science and technology in the List of civil servant ranks and public employee ranks issued together with Decision No. 78/2004/QD-BNV dated November 3, 2004 of the Minister of Home Affairs.

Thus, civil servants appointed to the professional title of civil servant specializing in science and technology, specifically Technician (grade IV) code V.05.02.08, are not eligible for the 40% preferential occupational allowance as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 3 of Decree No. 56/2011/ND-CP.

Hương Giang

Bộ Y tế trả lời về vấn đề phụ cấp khi chuyển mã ngạch

Hương Giang |

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Đoàn Hưng |

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