Doctor Nguyen Minh Trang - Deputy Head of Traditional Medicine Department, Bach Mai Hospital - said that thread implantation (burying thread, burying thread, piercing thread) is a method of using absorbable thread inserted into acupuncture points to maintain long-term stimulation, thereby creating a therapeutic effect like acupuncture. This is a new acupuncture method, developed based on advances in science and technology and inheriting the theory of traditional acupuncture.
At Bach Mai Hospital, the thread implantation method is widely indicated in many areas of internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics... such as: Neurological diseases: Paralysis of peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, cerebrovascular accidents, motor tic syndrome; Musculoskeletal diseases: Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, knee osteoarthritis; Respiratory - ear, nose and throat diseases: asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis; Genitourinary diseases: urinary retention, bedwetting, menstrual disorders, male and female sexual dysfunction, impotence...; Metabolic diseases: Obesity... However, there are also notes and contraindications for internal and surgical emergencies; pregnant women; acute skin lesions; patients with fever; diabetic patients with poor blood sugar control...
The sutures will dissolve within 15-20 days. Depending on the disease and condition, the patient will be scheduled for a follow-up implantation after the first implantation. The patient will have the sutures implanted 1-2 or 3 times during the treatment process. "When performing the implantation, ensuring sterility is very important, otherwise it will cause inflammation and infection which is very dangerous for the patient" - Doctor Nguyen Minh Trang, Deputy Head of Traditional Medicine Department, emphasized.
At the Traditional Medicine Department, Bach Mai Hospital, doctors use a type of needle to implant the thread, made from a 23G medicine needle and acupuncture needle - one of the innovative innovations when implementing the procedure. The advantage is that it still maintains sterility and the needle is sharper due to its smaller size than a specialized needle, helping to reduce pain and save costs. Thread implantation is effectively applied to treat many diseases, but the most effective are the following diseases: neck and shoulder pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, back pain, sciatica, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and hemiplegia.
Thread implantation is a special acupuncture method, with a mechanism of action that includes both the general mechanism of action of acupuncture and the specific mechanism of action of the thread when implanted into the acupuncture point. Accordingly, the effects of conventional acupuncture will include: Neurological mechanism: Acupuncture stimulates a new reflex arc that has the effect of inhibiting and breaking the pathological reflex arc; Humoral mechanism: Acupuncture stimulates the body to secrete Endorphin, a peptide with a very strong pain-relieving effect, many times stronger than Morphine.
With the unique biological mechanism of the implant, when inserted into the body, the thread is self-consumed in surgical procedures. When inserted into the body, it acts as an allergen that stimulates the body, increases plasma-beta indomorphin secretion, reduces TNF-α, enhances pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects; Increases protein and carbohydrate regeneration in muscles, reduces lactic acid, increases muscle nutrition, and regenerates muscles; Enhances local circulation.