113 year old woman fell and broke her femur

Thùy Linh |

Doctors at E Hospital have just successfully performed surgery on a 113-year-old patient who was admitted to the emergency room and diagnosed with a fracture of the right femur.

Dr. Kieu Quoc Hien - Head of the Department of Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, E Hospital said that this is the case of a female patient (113 years old, in Hoa Binh) who was admitted to the hospital in a state of pain and limited mobility of the right hip... after a domestic accident in which she fell and hit her right hip on a hard floor.

Upon receiving the patient, the doctors quickly resuscitated, relieved the patient's pain, and performed the necessary tests and scans. Through clinical examination and CT scan results of the hip joint, the doctors diagnosed the old woman with a fracture of the trochanteric neck of the right femur, requiring prompt treatment to avoid dangerous complications for the patient.

Furthermore, the old lady was 113 years old, so after consultation, the doctors of the Orthopedic Trauma Surgery Department decided to perform hip replacement surgery with a long-shaft joint replacement for the patient.

Exploiting the patient's medical history, according to the patient's family, although she is 113 years old, the old lady can still take care of her personal hygiene every day, and can even wash her own clothes. On the day of the accident, the old lady unfortunately slipped and fell on her right buttock in the bathroom. After the fall, she suffered pain and limited mobility in her right hip, so her family quickly took her to the emergency room.

According to Dr. Kieu Quoc Hien, hip replacement surgery for a 113-year-old woman is a very complicated problem. But without surgery, the patient will not be able to walk, sit or move, making daily activities difficult and a burden for the family because the patient is confined to one place. This problem will lead to many dangerous complications in the long run such as: pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin ulcers in pressure areas, necrosis in pressure areas, genitals... even death. Therefore, deciding to have artificial hip replacement surgery will help the patient reduce pain, restore motor function to live normally.

The surgery for the 113-year-old woman was quickly performed with the professional coordination of each member of the surgical team. Immediately after the surgery, the patient was given passive exercise of the operated leg.

One day after surgery, the patient was able to sit up, and after four days, she was able to stand up and practice walking with a walker, with the support of her family and medical staff. In the coming time, the patient will continue to be monitored, cared for, and guided in rehabilitation exercises in the room.

This is the oldest case of a patient to have surgery using this technique.

Thùy Linh

Từ chối điều trị, người phụ nữ bị khối u 20 cm đè xẹp phổi

Thuỳ Linh |

Bệnh viện Ung Bướu Hà Nội vừa phẫu thuật thành công cho nữ bệnh nhân cắt bỏ khối u có kích thước lên đến 20 cm chắn gần hết lồng ngực.

Phẫu thuật thành công một cụ ông 99 tuổi tại Cần Thơ

Linh Tâm |

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Báo Lao Động đoạt giải Nhì chính luận bảo vệ nền tảng tư tưởng của Đảng

Vương Trần |

Nhóm tác giả của Báo Lao Động đoạt giải Nhì "Cuộc thi chính luận về bảo vệ nền tảng tư tưởng của Đảng năm 2024" trong Đảng bộ Khối các cơ quan Trung ương.

Phó Bí thư Thường trực Tỉnh ủy Lâm Đồng nghỉ hưu trước tuổi


Lâm Đồng - Ông Trần Đình Văn, Phó Bí thư Thường trực Tỉnh ủy, đã nhận quyết định chính thức nghỉ hưu trước tuổi.

Cựu Chủ tịch FLC và 2 em gái xin giảm án

Việt Dũng |

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Cao Thơm - Phương Anh |

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Nhật Bản có Thủ tướng mới

Song Minh |

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Refusing treatment, woman's lung collapsed after 20cm tumor

Thuỳ Linh |

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Successful surgery on a 99-year-old man in Can Tho

Linh Tâm |

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Many young patients have necrosis of the femoral head


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