Each patient is given a bed, even in the hallway

Thùy Linh |

This is one of the criteria for hospital beds in the draft regulation of the Basic Quality Standards for Hospitals of the Ministry of Health.

According to the draft, the set of basic quality standards for hospitals aims to provide a toolkit for hospitals to self-assess and for management agencies and independent organizations to assess and certify quality according to Articles 57 and 58 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment No. 15/2023/QH15.

Monitor the conditions for permitting operations and determine the conditions for ensuring service quality according to Article 49 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment No. 15/2023/QH15.

Provide a basis for hospitals to implement quality improvement activities to provide safe, high-quality, effective medical services, bringing the highest satisfaction to patients, patients' families and medical staff.

At the same time, carry out the hospital's responsibility to explain, publicize and transparently provide information to patients, people and state management agencies according to Government regulations.

In this draft set of criteria, the first standard stipulates that inpatients are allowed to stay one person per bed in the facility serving patients.

The meaning of this standard is that patients need to be guaranteed privacy and have their own space in the hospital. Limiting the risk of infection, insecurity, and medical incidents during treatment.

Accordingly, during the year, medical facilities will not have any cases of 3 or more patients sharing a bed (except in cases of natural disasters, catastrophes and infectious epidemics).

The sick room is guaranteed not to leak or leak;

The walls of the sickroom are not peeling or moldy.

The elderly and other priority groups are given attention and priority in arranging separate hospital beds.

There is a book or software to track patients admitted and discharged from the departments.

There are statistics on the number of inpatients, beds and “temporary beds” in clinical departments.

There is no situation of 2 patients sharing a bed within 24 hours of admission.

All patients are given a bed each in a ward or hallway.

All hospital beds placed in patient rooms or corridors must be guaranteed not to leak or splash water when it rains.

Elderly people are given attention and priority in arranging hospital beds in convenient locations for entering and exiting, going up and down floors (if the building has 2 or more floors) or going to the toilet (applicable to hospitals that treat elderly patients).

Patients are given separate beds in male and female areas if in the same ward or in separate male and female wards.

Hospital beds are guaranteed to be sturdy and will be repaired or replaced promptly if they are broken or have peeling paint... Temporary beds include stretchers, folding beds, reclining chairs... that are mobile.

Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit, post-operative patients, patients requiring access to medical equipment, patients with infectious diseases, patients with hospital-acquired infections, and patients at high risk of infection are assigned one bed each.

Thùy Linh

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