Drinking half a liter of alcohol every day for 20 years, the "god of alcohol" got cirrhosis

Hương Giang |

"Alcohol god" drank half a liter of alcohol every day for 20 years, and as a result had to live with liver disease for the rest of his life.

Patient N.V.A (60 years old, Son La) came for a general health check-up at Medlatec Thanh Xuan General Clinic. At the time of the examination, the patient was tired and had dark yellow urine.

Five years ago, Mr. A. was diagnosed with cirrhosis, but because he did not see any symptoms of decompensation, he subjectively did not seek treatment and did not comply with the doctor's follow-up examination.

In addition, the patient also had a habit of drinking half a liter of alcohol every day for the past 20 years, even after receiving the results of cirrhosis.

After clinical examination and necessary tests and imaging, the patient's blood liver enzyme indexes AST, ALT, and Bilirubin increased at an alarming level, along with decompensated cirrhosis, accompanied by abdominal fluid. At the same time, the patient's test results also showed positive for hepatitis B. The doctor diagnosed the patient with decompensated cirrhosis with chronic hepatitis B.

Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong - Deputy Director of Medlatec General Hospital; Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine said: "The patient had a history of cirrhosis but did not receive treatment, leading to severe decompensated cirrhosis. Along with the accompanying chronic hepatitis B, if not treated promptly, it can cause the HBV virus to flare up with a large load and the patient's body will not have enough resistance to fight it, causing complications of acute and chronic liver failure, hepatic coma, complete loss of liver function and the serious consequence is death if not receiving a liver transplant".

Cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B are both dangerous hepatobiliary diseases if not treated properly, persistently and with discipline. Failure to comply with treatment can lead to liver failure, liver dysfunction and the ultimate consequence is death without a liver transplant.

Chronic hepatitis B is caused by the HBV virus that persists in the human body for more than 6 months. This disease often progresses silently with vague clinical symptoms. By the time it is detected, the disease may have progressed to the stage of decompensated cirrhosis.

Up to now, there is still no complete cure for chronic hepatitis B, only drug regimens to inhibit the activity of the virus. Especially for patients with cirrhosis, treatment needs to be carried out for life to help patients "live peacefully" with the virus.

According to Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong, for patients with cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B, compliance with the doctor's treatment regimen is very important. Patients need to follow a scientific lifestyle, a nutritional regimen, take the right dose of medication and especially abstain from alcohol.

The doctor added that in reality, in many cases of cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B, strict adherence to the regimen and good response to medication can help patients live a healthy life like normal people. Therefore, to successfully treat this disease, patients need to be persistent and closely and flexibly monitored by their treating physician.

Hương Giang

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