Lighting oil lamps to rescue patients during the storm

Lệ Hà |

Medical facilities in many provinces and cities where storm No. 3 passed through suffered heavy damage. In contrast to the devastation and devastation caused by storm No. 3, at medical facilities, the emergency doors were still lit, providing timely treatment for serious cases.

Light oil lamps and use flashlights to rescue patients.

Dr. Tran Quang Manh - Director of Yen Bai City Medical Center - said that affected by storm No. 3, Yen Bai City Medical Center has 3 flooded stations: Nam Cuong, Hong Ha and Nguyen Thai Hoc. In particular, 2 stations are completely isolated: Tuy Loc and Hop Minh. Currently, the road to Nam Cuong Ward Medical Station is flooded, the water is up to the neck, the station has completely lost power. Medical staff had to move all medical equipment to the second floor to avoid damage to the machinery.

Doctor Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - Head of Nam Cuong Ward Health Station said that because it is a low-lying area, as soon as the information was given, the station proactively carried out storm prevention and control work.

“We have proactively moved medical examination, treatment and emergency equipment to the second floor to prevent flooding from damaging machinery and interrupting patient care. Medical staff are on duty 24/7, preparing emergency and mobile medicine for people with diarrhea, falls, allergies, etc. In the event of a power outage at the station, medical staff at the station used flashlights and kerosene lamps to assist with professional work,” said Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong.

Quang Ninh is a province that suffered heavy damage due to storm No. 3. According to the preliminary report of the Quang Ninh Department of Health, the total number of patients examined and treated due to the storm is 1,153 patients. Many areas have broken glass, treatment areas and operating areas. All 24 medical examination and treatment units have lost power completely or partially, and must use backup power sources (generators). Many places still have power and telecommunication networks outage, many hospitals and medical facilities have suffered heavy damage, and must use generators 24/24h to ensure emergency and patient treatment.

Doctor Nguyen Tien Dung - Deputy Director of Quang Ninh General Hospital - said: Since storm No. 3 made landfall in Quang Ninh, on average, the hospital receives about 200 cases per day from Ha Long and other lower-level medical facilities.

Due to the impact of the storm, the hospital is experiencing a shortage of electricity and water. The unit is looking for solutions to have water for medical examination and treatment during the storm. Electricity and water will be prioritized for emergency patients, dialysis patients, surgery patients, etc.

At the same time, save as much as possible on activities that require unnecessary electricity and water and utilize part of the rainwater for flushing toilets in patient rooms; allocate human resources in rooms and departments to ensure that there is no patient congestion in current conditions.

Operating rooms in many hospitals are lit up during storm number 3

At the time of storm No. 3's landfall, the hospital's on-call staff received and treated 14 emergency cases hospitalized due to the impact of the super typhoon. Specifically, there was 1 case of a person being crushed by a falling tree, causing a traumatic brain injury; 2 cases of limb injuries, traumatic brain injury due to broken walls and glass falling on people, and nearly 10 cases of car and motorbike accidents while participating in traffic "going home through the storm".

Duong Duc Hung - Director of Viet Duc Friendship Hospital - said that the hospital's on-duty team made every effort to rescue patients during the storm to protect their lives and health in an emergency situation. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Manh Khanh - Deputy Director of Viet Duc Hospital, Head of Department of Orthopedics 1 - said that on the morning of September 9, Department of Orthopedics 1 had nearly 130 patients, an increase of 150% compared to the number of beds that could be received, and staff had to arrange stretchers to block the hallways in the department.

Associate Professor Khanh explained the overload situation due to not allowing patients to leave the hospital during the last 2 weekends. "I decided to let the patients stay in the department, although it was a bit cramped, the patients still received full medical care, 3 hot meals a day served at the bedside, everyone happily shared the difficulties together..." - Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Manh Khanh said.

At Bach Mai Hospital, during the 2 days of storms and rains, there were still nearly 3,500 inpatients; 667 patients were admitted to the hospital; 89 patients were transferred to other hospitals. Also during the storms and rains, the operating rooms of Bach Mai Hospital were continuously lit, in which doctors performed 6 heart surgeries; 139 anesthesia and resuscitation cases; 40 round-trip surgeries, 53 emergency surgeries...; 42 cardiovascular interventions.

Lệ Hà

Trong bão lũ tình người càng sâu hơn, con người càng đẹp hơn

Lê Thanh Phong |

Cơn bão dữ đi qua, để lại hậu quả khủng khiếp khắp các tỉnh miền Bắc, những con số thống kê thiệt hại về người và tài sản cho thấy điều đó. Nhưng cũng từ thảm họa thiên tai này, cho thấy con người Việt Nam yêu thương đùm bọc nhau, đúng với truyền thống “thương người như thể thương thân”.

Phát động ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3


Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm cùng các lãnh đạo Đảng, Nhà nước đã dự lễ phát động ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do cơn bão số 3 gây ra.

Tổng LĐLĐVN kêu gọi quyên góp ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3

Hà Anh - Hải Nguyễn |

Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN đã quyết định Quỹ Xã hội Từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng sẽ hỗ trợ đoàn viên bị thiệt mạng và bị thương do bão số 3.

Cùng Quỹ XHTT Tấm lòng Vàng chung tay xoa dịu nỗi đau, mất mát sau bão, lũ

PV |

Những nghĩa cử giúp nhau, hỗ trợ bằng vật chất và tinh thần khi hoạn nạn khó khăn chính là lời khẳng định về tinh thần yêu thương, đùm bọc của người Việt Nam được truyền từ đời này qua đời khác.

Vụ sập cầu Phong Châu: Lực lượng y tế triển khai trực cấp cứu

Nhóm PV |

Khoảng 10h sáng 9.9, cầu Phong Châu trên Quốc lộ 32C, bắc qua sông Hồng, nối giữa huyện Tam Nông và huyện Lâm Thao (Phú Thọ) bị sập.

Y tế Ninh Bình sẵn sàng cấp cứu nạn nhân bão số 3

Trần Lâm |

Trước diễn biến phức tạp, nguy hiểm của bão số 3, ngành y tế và các cấp, ngành Ninh Bình đang tập trung chuẩn bị lực lượng ứng phó.

So sánh hình ảnh TP Yên Bái hiện tại và thời điểm bão lũ lịch sử

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

Trận đại hồng thủy đã đi qua TP Yên Bái gần 10 ngày, hiện nước đã rút, đường đã khô, cuộc sống người dân đã dần ổn định trở lại.

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng sốc

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9 tăng mạnh ở thị trường trong nước và thế giới. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 sáng nay sắp bằng giá vàng miếng SJC.