5 specific land valuation bases from January 1, 2025

Linh Trang |

As the basis for calculating land use fees, specific land valuation is always among the issues of concern.

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 30 of Decree 71/2024/ND-CP:

- Specific land valuation must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the 2024 Land Law and Articles 4, 5, 6, 7 of Decree 71/2024/ND-CP; results of synthesizing and analyzing information on market land prices; factors affecting land prices.

Accordingly, pursuant to Clause 2, Article 158 of the 2024 Land Law and Clause 2, Article 30 of Decree 71/2024/ND-CP, the bases for land valuation are stipulated as follows:

Article 158. Principles, bases and methods of land valuation

2. Land valuation basis includes:

a) The purpose of land use is given for valuation.

b) Land use term. For agricultural land that has been allocated by the State to households and individuals according to the agricultural land allocation quota, agricultural land within the quota for receiving transfer rights, the land use term is not based on.

c) Input information for land valuation according to land valuation methods.

d) Other factors affecting land prices.

d) Provisions of relevant laws at the time of land valuation.

Article 30. Basis for specific land valuation

2. Specific land prices are determined according to each land use purpose, land area is determined in the records of land allocation, land lease, recognition of land use rights, permission to change land use purpose, land use extension, adjustment of land use term, adjustment of detailed planning, permission to change land use form, equitization of state-owned enterprises, land use right auction plan, land recovery notice, investigation, survey, measurement and inventory results.

Accordingly, the basis for land valuation from January 1, 2025 includes the following 5 bases:

1. The purpose of land use is given for valuation.

2. Land use term. For agricultural land that has been allocated by the State to households and individuals according to the agricultural land allocation quota, agricultural land within the quota for receiving transfer rights, the land use term is not based on.

3. Input information for land valuation according to land valuation methods.

In which, input information includes recorded land price information:

- Based on national land or price database.

- In the land use rights transfer contract; the winning price of the land use rights auction after completing financial obligations.

- Land prices are collected through investigation and survey when there is no land price information as above.

- Through information on revenue, costs, and income from land use.

Note: Input land price information is information formed within 24 months from the time of land valuation and before.

(Based on: Clause 3, Clause 4, Article 158 of the 2024 Land Law)

4. Some factors affecting land prices such as land use purpose and land area are determined in:

- Land allocation records.

- Land lease documents.

- Records of recognition of land use rights and permission to change land use purposes.

- Application for land use extension or land use term adjustment.

- Detailed planning adjustment documents.

- Documents for permission to change land use form, equitization of state-owned enterprises, land use rights auction plan

- Land reclamation notice.

- Results of investigation, survey, measurement and counting.

5. Provisions of relevant laws at the time of land valuation.

Linh Trang

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