A series of "huge" projects have just officially launched in Thai Binh


Thai Binh - A series of large-scale projects with large total investment capital have just been launched, bringing positive signals in attracting investment and developing the economy.

Awarding investment registration certificate for Kien Giang project worth nearly 10,000 billion VND

Last week, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province held a conference to grant investment registration certificates for the housing development project in Kien Giang new urban area, Thai Binh city.

The project has a total investment of VND 9,686 billion, implemented by a consortium of investors: Daewoo Engineering & Construction Vietnam Co., Ltd. - THT Development Co., Ltd. - GIP Land Co., Ltd. - ZUP Invest Co., Ltd.

Phoi canh tong the khu do thi moi Kien Giang. Anh: So Xay dung Thai Binh
Overall perspective of Kien Giang new urban area. Photo: Thai Binh Department of Construction

The project's land area is 96.3 hectares in the wards and communes of Tran Lam, Quang Trung, Ky Ba, Vu Phuc, Vu Chinh (Thai Binh City) with a population of about 18,626 people. The project provides 1,402 individual housing products including townhouses and villas; 5 25-storey apartment buildings and 15-storey social housing; commercial and service works of about 40,000 m²; technical infrastructure works...

Khu dat quy hoach khu do thi moi Kien Giang, TP.Thai Binh nhin tu tren cao. Anh: Nam Hong
Land planned for the new urban area of ​​Kien Giang, Thai Binh city, seen from above. Photo: Nam Hong

In order for the project to be implemented soon in the field, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Thai Binh province requested the joint venture of investors to carry out legal procedures to implement the project, prepare sufficient resources, means, and human resources to implement the project in a synchronous manner in terms of infrastructure and architecture; create widespread attraction, worthy of a green, civilized, modern urban area, meeting the needs of people inside and outside the province.

Chu tich UBND tinh Thai Binh
Chairman of Thai Binh Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Khac Than requested the parties to soon implement the project in the field. Photo: Nam Hong

At the same time, Mr. Than requested that departments and branches, based on their functions and tasks, continue to pay attention to supporting and accompanying investors in the project implementation process.

Thai Binh province commits to support and create all favorable conditions for the joint venture of investors in the Kien Giang new urban housing development project in particular and domestic and foreign investors coming to Thai Binh.

Commencement of 2 key projects with total investment capital of over 3,000 billion VND

In Hung Ha district, the BGF Thai Binh Vegetable Oil Factory project in Hung Nhan industrial cluster (Hung Nhan town) and the Lynn Times Duyen Hai high-end hot spring resort complex project (Duyen Hai commune) belonging to Onsen Fuji Group also held groundbreaking ceremonies.

BGF Thai Binh Vegetable Oil Factory Project has a land area of ​​over 38,700m², total investment capital of nearly 1,000 billion VND; annual production value of up to 10,000 billion VND.

Phase 1 of the factory has a processing capacity of 1,000 tons of soybeans per day to produce nutritious vegetable oil. Phase 2 integrates machinery on a design and technology platform to create vegetable protein powder for medical use.

The factory will create jobs for hundreds of local workers, consume agricultural products, and generate income for local people; it is expected to be put into use from the third quarter of 2027.

Cac dai bieu thuc hien nghi thuc dong tho du an to hop nghi duong khoang nong cao cap Lynn Times Duyen Hai. Anh: Nam Hong
Delegates perform the groundbreaking ceremony for the Lynn Times Duyen Hai high-end hot spring resort complex project. Photo: Nam Hong
Phoi canh quy hoach giai doan 1 du an. Anh: Nam Hong
Perspective of phase 1 planning of the project. Photo: Nam Hong

The Lynn Times Duyen Hai high-end hot mineral resort complex project aims to invest in exploiting hot mineral water, building a hot mineral park providing entertainment services, hot mineral baths, health care, therapy...

The project scale is over 2,000 billion VND divided into 3 phases. Of which, phase 1 is built on an area of ​​4.8 hectares, with an investment of nearly 240 billion VND, including a hot mineral park area combined with a 5-star resort hotel and more than 200 commercial townhouses. The project is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2026.

The event of granting investment registration certificates, starting construction and groundbreaking for the above projects has important significance, creating a vibrant production competition atmosphere, contributing to boosting the economic growth rate of Thai Binh province and Hung Ha district.

At the same time, create conditions to attract people in the project area to participate in labor or become raw material suppliers, contributing to improving people's income and life.


Thái Bình sắp có tổ hợp nghỉ dưỡng khoáng nóng Onsen cao cấp


Thái Bình - Tổ hợp nghỉ dưỡng khoáng nóng cao cấp Lynn Times Duyên Hải được xây dựng tại huyện Hưng Hà, tổng vốn đầu tư trên 2.000 tỉ đồng.

Huyện Tiền Hải - Thái Bình tập trung GPMB loạt dự án lớn


Trên địa bàn huyện Tiền Hải (tỉnh Thái Bình) đã, đang triển khai một loạt các dự án trọng điểm, mang tính phát triển chiến lược.

Cận cảnh khu đất hơn 96ha Daewoo muốn làm đô thị ở Thái Bình


Thái Bình - Thông tin Tập đoàn Daewoo cùng đối tác đăng ký làm dự án khu đô thị mới Kiến Giang đang nhận được sự quan tâm khá lớn từ dư luận Thái Bình.

Ngày mai, Hà Nội cưỡng chế thu hồi đất vàng mở đường lên 21m


Hà Nội - Quận Thanh Xuân sẽ cưỡng chế thu hồi đất 31 hộ dân trong 2 ngày 14 và 15.10 để thi công mở rộng đường Nguyễn Tuân dài 720m, vốn khoảng 400 tỉ đồng.

25 ngày dịch chuyển, 21 quốc gia châu Âu, 53 sân vận động

Ninh Linh |

Trong chuyến đi châu Âu mùa hè năm nay, bình luận viên Đức Anh tự hào vì bản thân đã đặt chân tới những sân vận động hàng đầu thế giới.

Kỳ lạ chuyện 2 vợ chồng cùng có tình cảm với một người (P2)

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Cặp vợ chồng trong câu chuyện cùng có tình cảm với một người phụ nữ vì bà vợ là người đồng tính. Cuộc tình éo le này liệu sẽ đi về đâu?

Lời khai nghi phạm sát hại vợ giữa đường ở Vĩnh Phúc

An Vi |

Do níu kéo tình cảm bất thành, nghi phạm 27 tuổi đã sát hại vợ giữa đường rồi bỏ trốn.

Đưa con đường nổi tiếng lầy lội ở Đồng Nai ra khỏi dự án BOT


Tuyến đường Nhà máy nước Thiện Tân (Hoàng Văn Bổn) được UBND tỉnh Đồng Nai đưa ra khỏi dự án BOT đường 768, Sở Giao thông Vận tải cấm xe tải để sửa chữa.

Thai Binh is about to have a high-class Onsen hot mineral resort complex


Thai Binh - Lynn Times Duyen Hai high-class hot mineral resort complex is built in Hung Ha district, with a total investment of over 2,000 billion VND.

Tien Hai district - Thai Binh focuses on site clearance for a series of large projects


In Tien Hai district ( Thai Binh province), a series of key , strategic development projects have been implemented .

Close-up of the land of more than 96 hectares Daewoo wants to build an urban area in Thai Binh


Thai Binh - Information that Daewoo Group and its partners registered to work on the Kien Giang new urban area project is receiving quite a lot of attention from Thai Binh public opinion.