House in narrow alley suddenly reduced in price by hundreds of millions of dong

Lê Tâm |

Many houses in alleys in Hanoi, after decades of use, are being sold at a discount of 200-400 million VND/house.

According to Lao Dong reporters, on social networking forums, many owners have recently been continuously reducing the selling price of houses in alleys in Hanoi by 200 - 400 million VND/house.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc (living in My Dinh ward, Nam Tu Liem district) also posted an ad to sell a 4-storey house deep in an alley for 6.1 billion VND.

Ms. Ngoc shared that every month, her family has to spend 2-3 million VND on parking outside, and even if they want to repair the house, they still encounter many inconveniences because the alley is too inconvenient. Her family is willing to reduce the price by 200 million VND for anyone who is interested in buying a house this month.

Similarly, Mr. Tran Van Cuong (owner of a house in an alley in Van Chuong ward, Dong Da district) said that because he has no need to use it, his family wants to reduce the price of the 35m2, 2-storey house for 3.8 billion VND.

"The alley is too narrow, so every month my wife and I have to spend millions of dong to find a place to park the car and then walk into the house. The price I am offering is 3.8 billion dong, with a discount and support for the buyer of about 400 million dong because of the above inconveniences," said Mr. Cuong.

However, according to Lao Dong reporters, although the alley house segment is attracting much attention, there is still no specific and separate data on the actual transaction volume of alley houses in Hanoi's inner city districts.

Information about home owners announcing a 200 million VND price reduction or supporting buyers up to 400 million VND may also be just to attract interest and attention from those who want to buy a house.

Many owners are selling houses in alleys in Dong Da and Cau Giay districts (Hanoi). Photo: Thu Giang

Referring to this content, Mr. Pham Duc Toan - General Director of EZ Real Estate Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (EZ Property) - commented that in the past, houses and land in alleys were often the segment that real buyers "weighed" with new apartments.

However, recently, the sudden increase in apartment prices in both the primary and secondary markets has prompted a group of customers to switch to buying real estate, accepting the inconveniences and limitations of the alley housing segment such as parking space and construction quality.

According to the forecast from the real estate analysis ecosystem OneHousing, the demand for buying houses in alleys in Hanoi in 2024 will continue to increase.

According to OneHousing, due to the shortage of apartment supply in Hanoi, while people's housing demand is still increasing, many people have recently changed direction, choosing to buy houses in alleys in central districts.

However, to buy a satisfactory house in an alley in Hanoi, many real estate experts of Onehousing also note that people need to carefully research information about the area, the condition of the house in the alley, and legal transparency.

In reality, there are still brokers and homeowners posting ads with the excuse of reducing prices and cutting losses when selling houses in alleys just to attract interest and get the attention of buyers.

Lê Tâm

Giá nhà trong ngõ 2 quận Hà Nội rao bán 200 triệu đồng/m2

Thu Giang |

Nhiều căn nhà trong ngõ hẹp tại quận Thanh Xuân, Hà Đông (Hà Nội) thời gian qua đang được rao bán với mức giá từ 150-200 triệu đồng/m2.

Mua nhà trong ngõ quận ở Hà Nội chục tỉ đồng để cho thuê

Thu Giang |

Nhiều nhà đầu tư đã chốt mua nhà trong ngõ ở quận Hà Đông (Hà Nội) có giá hàng chục tỉ đồng sau đó sửa chữa, đăng tin cho thuê lại theo tháng.

Nhà trong ngõ giá rao bán dưới 5 tỉ đồng dần vắng bóng

Thu Giang |

Nhà trong ngõ có tầm giá dưới 5 tỉ đồng tại nội thành Hà Nội dần vắng bóng khi phân khúc này đang được nhiều người dân quan tâm.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Mặc dù hoạt động du lịch đã phục hồi sau bão Yagi, nhưng những chủ tàu du lịch TP Hạ Long bị chìm đắm vẫn gặp rất nhiều khó khăn.

Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - UBND huyện Cẩm Khê giao Công an và chính quyền xã Minh Tân xác minh, làm rõ thông tin "hôi của" trên cao tốc Nội Bài - Lào Cai.

Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

Lương Hà |

Nam Định - Chiều ngày 30.9, Sở GDĐT tỉnh Nam Định tổ chức hội nghị công bố quyết định của Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh bổ nhiệm Giám đốc Sở GDĐT.

Xe cứu thương cháy rụi trên đường đưa bệnh nhân chuyển viện

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Trung chuyển bệnh nhân từ Phú Yên ra Bình Định, chiếc xe cứu thương bất ngờ cháy rụi trên đường.

Thanh Hóa khởi tố, bắt tạm giam 5 cán bộ huyện Quảng Xương

Trần Lâm |

THANH HÓA - Công an tỉnh đã bắt tạm giam 5 bị can “Lợi dụng chức vụ, quyền hạn trong khi hành công vụ", trong đó có nguyên Chủ tịch huyện.

House price in alley 2, district Hanoi for sale 200 million VND/m2

Thu Giang |

Many houses in narrow alleys in Thanh Xuan district, Ha Dong (Hanoi) are being sold at prices ranging from 150-200 million VND/m2.

Buying a house in an alley in a district in Hanoi for tens of billions of dong to rent out

Thu Giang |

Many investors have bought houses in alleys in Ha Dong district (Hanoi) for tens of billions of dong, then repaired them and posted ads to rent them out monthly.

Houses in alleys for sale under 5 billion VND are gradually disappearing

Thu Giang |

Houses in alleys priced under 5 billion VND in Hanoi's inner city are gradually disappearing as this segment is attracting many people's attention.