The general objective of the Project is to establish labor relations that ensure harmony of interests between employees and employers; to minimize labor disputes and strikes, especially labor disputes and strikes that do not follow proper procedures.
By 2030, the labor relations system of Ca Mau province will be consistent with the socialist-oriented market economy and basic international labor standards that Vietnam has committed to; ensure harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations, the rights of employees and employers in labor relations are guaranteed, contributing to creating a stable investment and business environment for enterprise development; improve the lives of employees; maintain political security and social order and safety in the province.
The specific objective of the project is to strengthen and perfect the organization and operation of state management units on labor relations at the provincial and district levels. 100% of state management officials on labor relations are trained and fostered in knowledge and skills in labor relations management and support.
Strive for 100% of enterprises employing many workers to have grassroots trade unions according to the system of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. Strive for 100% of enterprises with established grassroots trade unions to develop and promulgate grassroots democracy regulations at the workplace. 100% of enterprises with established grassroots trade unions to organize periodic dialogues at least once a year and organize labor conferences; strive for 80% of collective labor agreements to have provisions more favorable to employees than regulations by 2025.
Complete the development of the arbitration council's operating regulations, ensuring that 100% of labor arbitrators are trained, fostered, and updated with knowledge, skills, and expertise in labor relations and labor dispute resolution. Complete the development of regulations on labor conciliator management, consolidate and improve the labor conciliator team, ensuring that 100% of labor conciliators are trained, fostered, and perform well both the functions of supporting labor relations and conciliating labor disputes.
Strive for 100% of workers' representative organizations to be established and operate under strict management, ensuring compliance with legal regulations. 80% of individual labor disputes to be successfully mediated.