National Assembly Deputies of Ca Mau province meet with voters and workers


Ca Mau - On October 11, the National Assembly Delegation of the province had a meeting with voters who are workers at the headquarters of the National Assembly Delegation and the People's Council of Ca Mau province.

At the meeting, many voters were workers, many of whom had opinions on the Law on Employment (amended). In particular, focusing on the policy to support job creation; union members and workers want to borrow capital to support job creation with preferential interest rates. Credit policies for job creation must reach workers who are truly in need, supporting the right people and the right jobs. There should be regulations to encourage all workers and employers to register and update information, to have a complete database on labor and employment. It is recommended that the Government direct the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to build a unified database on workers and employment.

Regarding unemployment insurance, voters said that union members and workers want the State to provide timely support for cases where businesses owe or evade unemployment insurance payments so that workers can enjoy unemployment insurance benefits in accordance with regulations, ensure their lives, and develop new jobs.

Pho truong doan phu trach Doan Dai bieu Quoc hoi tinh Ca Mau Nguyen Quoc Han tang qua cho cong nhan lao dong tai buoi tiep xuc. Anh: Le Chi
Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Ca Mau Province Nguyen Quoc Han presented gifts to workers at the meeting. Photo: Le Chi

Voters also proposed strict regulations on unemployment insurance contributions for employers, to avoid cases where employers take advantage of regulations and pay lower levels, affecting the rights of employees. At the same time, clearly stipulate special cases for the Government to adjust this contribution level. In the case of laid-off employees who do not find new jobs because the new employer considers "layoff" as a bad record to refuse to hire the employee. It is proposed to study and develop regulations of a principled nature to ensure the rights of this group.

At the meeting, delegates heard more than 20 opinions from voters in 18 units and enterprises in the area revolving around issues related to the Trade Union Law (amended), such as: Proposing the National Assembly to consider and resolve the policy on recruiting trade union officials, in order to attract a team of trade union officials with a lot of experience and maturity from the grassroots; considering regulations on appropriate payroll management mechanisms in the Trade Union Law (amended), increasing the initiative of trade unions in arranging trade union officials, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation; improving the effectiveness of trade union monitoring activities, promptly detecting shortcomings and disputes, preventing strikes and work stoppages; considering and allowing workers in the informal sector to have the right to establish and join trade unions, in order to better protect their rights; Continue to stipulate the revenue source of 2% of trade union funds in the Trade Union Law (amended), and at the same time stipulate strict sanctions for enterprises that intentionally do not pay trade union funds.


Cà Mau tập huấn nghiệp vụ cho gần 90 cán bộ công đoàn

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Cà Mau phát động ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3

Thiệu Vũ |

LĐLĐ tỉnh Cà Mau phát động ủng hộ đồng bào các tỉnh, thành miền Bắc bị thiệt hại do bão số 3 gây ra.

Cà Mau tổng kết thi đua chào mừng 95 năm Công đoàn Việt Nam


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Công đoàn Cà Mau hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp thực hiện chính sách


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95 năm, nhìn lại để làm tốt hơn cho người lao động Cà Mau


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Cán bộ Công đoàn Cà Mau dâng hương Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh


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