Has there been a decision regarding the abolition of the basic salary after 2026?

Minh Hương |

Decision 83-KL/TW in 2024 proposes the establishment of five new salary tables after 2026. Therefore, has there been a decision regarding the abolition of the basic salary after 2026?

From July 1, 2024, the basic salary will continue to be applied to calculate the salary for officials, civil servants, public employees, and military personnel.

According to Clause 5.2, Article 5 of Conclusion 83-KL/TW in 2024, the Politburo has the following content: The Economic Central Committee will chair the summary of the implementation of Resolution 27, in which it will coordinate with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs and relevant ministries and branches to research and evaluate the suitability and feasibility.

At the same time, it will propose the implementation of 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowances for the public sector to be suitable for submission to the Central Committee for consideration after 2026 when the Politburo issues and implements the system of Position Classification in the political system.

Consequently, when implementing the 5 new salary tables, the basic salary of 2.34 million VND per month will be abolished to serve as a basis for calculating salary, allowances, and other items based on the basic salary.

If there are no changes, 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowances for the public sector will be developed after 2026.

Thus, this is only a proposal from the Economic Central Committee in coordination with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs and relevant ministries and branches to submit to the Central Committee for consideration. Therefore, at present, there is no official decision on abolishing the basic salary after 2026.

If the proposal is accepted, the 5 salary tables for officials, civil servants, public employees, and military personnel will be implemented in line with the spirit of Resolution 27. In which one of the factors in building a new salary table is to abolish the basic salary and the salary coefficient, and to build a basic salary by a specific amount in the new salary table after 2026.

Minh Hương

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