Promoting the development of union members in non-state enterprises

Hà Anh |

Vietnam General Confederation of Labor considers developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in non-state enterprises to be one of the key and central tasks, and the main and direct responsibility of trade unions at all levels.

Developing 3 million more union members in the non-state enterprise sector

The Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has just issued a Resolution on promoting the development of union members and establishing grassroots trade unions in non-state enterprises by 2028, with a vision to 2033.

According to the Resolution of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in non-state enterprises is one of the key and central tasks, and the main and direct responsibility of trade unions at all levels.

The implementation must be carried out synchronously, systematically, flexibly, persistently, both in the short and long term to attract and gather a large number of workers to participate in the trade union organization voluntarily, consciously and actively.

Trade unions at all levels continue to innovate the content and methods of propaganda, mobilization, and gathering workers to participate in trade union organizations, along with management work, improving the quality of union members; innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of trade union activities to make union members see the practical benefits of long-term attachment to the trade union organization.

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor sets a goal of increasing union membership in non-state enterprises by 3 million by 2028; establishing grassroots unions in 100% of enterprises with 25 or more employees.

In the period of 2029 - 2033, strive to increase the number of union members in non-state enterprises by 3.5 million; establish grassroots unions in 100% of enterprises with 20 or more employees.

Innovation in propaganda form

To achieve the above targets, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor continues to advise the Secretariat to direct the leaders of provincial and municipal Party Committees, Party delegations, Party executive committees, Party committees, Party committees to lead lower-level Party committees, State management agencies, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at all levels, socio-political organizations, and enterprises to pay attention and create conditions for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to direct trade unions at all levels to perform well the functions and tasks of trade union organizations in order to promote the development of union members, establish trade unions in non-state enterprises, contributing to caring for and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of union members and workers.

Along with that, every year, trade unions at all levels develop plans and choose May (Workers' Month) and July (Vietnam Trade Union's founding month) as peak months for developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions.

Research and comprehensively innovate both the content and form of propaganda and mobilization, aiming to raise awareness of employers and employees about the benefits and effectiveness when trade unions are established in enterprises; benefits when employees join trade unions; make employers and employees understand the nature of trade unions, the functions of trade unions, the role of trade unions in caring for, representing and protecting the rights of employees, building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in enterprises.

To innovate content, we must choose appropriate, concise, focused, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement content; to innovate propaganda forms, we must diversify, enrich, and suit each target group of employers and employees, and suit the characteristics of the production and business activities of the enterprise.

The union establishes advisory groups, propaganda groups, networks of collaborators, and connects groups of cadres, union members, and core workers at enterprises without union organizations to do propaganda work, mobilize union members, and establish grassroots unions.

Promote training, fostering professional skills, and experience for staff working in developing union members and establishing grassroots unions; have policies to encourage, motivate, and reward promptly and appropriately those with outstanding achievements in developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in localities and industries.

Continue to pay attention to organizing activities to care for the material and spiritual life of union members, through innovating and organizing practical and effective union welfare programs, creating a ripple effect in society; promptly organize activities to visit, help and encourage union members and their families when they encounter difficulties, misfortunes, or serious illnesses; coordinate to take care of union members' health; widely organize cultural and sports activities, sightseeing, vacations, exchanges, and learning experiences, in order to improve the spiritual life of union members, creating a difference between union members and trade union members to attract workers to join the union.

Regularly listen to the opinions, thoughts and aspirations of union members to promptly resolve urgent issues of concern to union members, while continuing to promote the role and strength of solidarity among union members and workers, contributing to building a strong union organization.

Research and allocate adequate financial resources for union member development and establishment of grassroots trade unions in non-state enterprises.

There are specific financial solutions to ensure sufficient funding for developing union members and establishing grassroots unions; and for training and fostering cadres to develop union members and establish grassroots unions.

Hà Anh

Tập trung nguồn lực chăm lo phúc lợi cho đoàn viên, người lao động

Hà Anh |

Thời gian qua, nhiều mô hình chăm lo thiết thực, hiệu quả, mang đậm dấu ấn của tổ chức Công đoàn như “Tết Sum vầy”, “Tháng Công nhân”, “Chợ Tết Công đoàn”, “Mái ấm Công đoàn”… đã góp phần tích cực tham gia phát triển, phục hồi kinh tế, xã hội, cải thiện đời sống vật chất, tinh thần của đoàn viên, người lao động (ĐV, NLĐ).

Quan tâm chế độ chính sách, chăm lo đời sống cho đoàn viên

Hà Anh |

Từ đầu năm đến nay, các cấp Công đoàn Giao thông Vận tải Việt Nam đã tập trung vào công tác chăm lo đoàn viên, người lao động.

100% đoàn viên sẽ được động viên, tặng quà khi gặp khó khăn

Hà Anh |

Ban Chấp hành Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam vừa ban hành Nghị quyết về “Tập trung nguồn lực chăm lo phúc lợi cho đoàn viên, người lao động trong tình hình mới” (Nghị quyết).

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu dân cư ở Hà Nội


Dòng nước màu đỏ tràn vào khu tập thể Phú Minh (phường Cổ Nhuế 2, quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội) khiến người dân lo lắng.

Dự báo cường độ áp thấp nhiệt đới khi mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Cơ quan khí tượng cho biết, khi áp thấp nhiệt đới mạnh lên thành bão số 4 sẽ có cường độ cấp 8 - 9.

Phân bổ tiền hỗ trợ 26 địa phương bị ảnh hưởng bão lũ


Ban Vận động Cứu trợ Trung ương sẽ tổ chức các đoàn giám sát việc phân bổ nguồn lực tại các địa phương nhận hỗ trợ do bị bão lũ.

Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

Kỳ nghỉ Tết Trung thu năm nay, khách Hàn Quốc du lịch nội địa và quốc tế tăng mạnh, đặc biệt tới Thái Lan, Việt Nam.