Solutions to develop Trade Unions in the future

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hanoi - The Workshop on Reforming the organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Unions in the new situation assessed the current situation and proposed solutions to develop Trade Unions.

The innovation policy was first set out in 1988

The conference was chaired by comrades: Nguyen Dinh Khang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; Professor, PhD. Ta Ngoc Tan - Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council; Professor, Dr. Le Van Loi - Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.

The policy of innovating trade union organization and activities, associated with efforts to better fulfill functions and tasks, was first set out at the 6th Vietnam Trade Union Congress (1988).

Since then, the spirit of organizational and operational innovation of the Vietnam Trade Union has become a voluntary, popular and widespread work task.

The process of organizational and operational innovation is directly linked to the labor movements ; associated with specific functions, tasks and activities of trade unions; This is reflected in the cooperative working relationships between trade unions and agencies and units at the central level, branches, levels and localities.

Up to now, the trade union organization has been consolidated and developed, the number of union members and grassroots trade unions has increased rapidly, and the staff has developed in both quantity and quality. The union expanded its activities to the non-state economic sector and the informal labor sector .

The propaganda and education work of the trade union organization has contributed to improving class enlightenment, political bravery, national spirit, civic awareness, the will to rise out of poverty and the spirit of striving for training. , building industrial style, labor discipline, and professional conscience for workers and laborers.

The mission of representing and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers has achieved many outstanding results; promptly resolve pressing individual and collective issues; contributing to building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in enterprises; ensuring jobs and life for workers and sustainable development of businesses.

Vietnam Trade Union concentrates all resources and deploys many new models in taking care of the material and spiritual life of union members and workers; Coordinate increasingly effectively with authorities, organizations, businesses, and employers.

At the Conference, Prof. Dr. Le Van Loi affirmed that after more than 3 years of organizing and implementing Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW of the Politburo, the organization and operation of the Vietnam Trade Union has achieved important results. important.

In particular, the Vietnam Trade Union has performed well the task of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers, contributing to building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations. . The work of developing union members, building strong trade union organizations, participating in building the Party, State and political system is focused on implementation.

Dr. Pham Thi Thanh. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Dr. Pham Thi Thanh. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Dr. Pham Thi Thanh - President of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Trade Union analyzed that during the innovation process, the Party had many resolutions on building the working class, shown in the resolutions of the congresses. National Party Congress and a number of Party Central Committee conference resolutions. The Party clearly defines the responsibility of cadres and party members to participate in activities and build trade unions.

Party committees at all levels must regularly take care to consolidate and strengthen close relationships with workers, and strengthen leadership in public transport and union activities; Through trade unions to gather and unite a large number of officials, civil servants, public employees, workers...

Some solutions from practice

Discussing the content at the Conference, Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Van Sao suggested the need to strengthen the Party's leadership and ensure the independence, initiative, and creativity of the Trade Union organization.

Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Dinh Bon emphasized that in the innovation process, it is necessary to clarify the organizational model of each type of grassroots Trade Union in all types of enterprises. Besides, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of policies; Strengthen the organization of emulation movements... In particular, it is recommended that the Party and State build housing and welfare when building industrial parks; Improve training and encouragement of trade union officials .

Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Van Sao. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Van Sao. Photo: Hai Nguyen

From reality, Ms. Vu Thi Giang Huong - Member of the Presidium of the General Confederation of Labor, Head of the General Confederation's Propaganda Committee proposed a number of solutions to continue promoting the implementation of 02-NQ/TW.

In particular, it is necessary to take advantage of the leadership and direction of party committees at all levels in implementing the Resolution. Implement the Resolution through building action programs, projects, and implementation plans associated with specific goals, targets, tasks, and solutions. It is necessary to identify and clarify the implementation roadmap in the short, medium and long term.

Trade Union organizations need to regularly and periodically organize conferences and seminars to summarize organizational and operational models. Through this, trade unions at all levels draw experience, replicate advanced examples, and overcome shortcomings and limitations in the implementation process, from which to have timely solutions to build and develop. Developing trade union organizations in the context of international integration.

MSc Vu Thi Giang Huong. Photo: Hai Nguyen
MSc Vu Thi Giang Huong. Photo: Hai Nguyen

And Dr. Tong Van Bang - Member of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Head of the General Confederation's Organizing Committee proposed a solution. In particular, the organizational model of Vietnam Trade Union basically remains the current 4-level union model.

The organization and apparatus of each level of trade union have been reformed and arranged in a streamlined, flexible manner, with clear functions, tasks and powers of each level of trade union, ensuring the best implementation of roles, functions and tasks. organization in the new situation.

Research and develop a vertical organizational management mechanism, coordinate closely with local party committees to promote the effectiveness of trade union activities; Convenient in mobilizing and arranging staff when there are complicated labor relations issues.

Dr. Tong Van Bang. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Dr. Tong Van Bang. Photo: Hai Nguyen

From the grassroots, Mr. Dinh Sy Phuc - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Taekwang Vina Company proposed the need to promote and improve the effectiveness of training, fostering, and operational skills of union officials; Research and innovate the content, methods, and forms of training for trade union officials, especially grassroots union officials in the non-state sector, on dialogue skills, negotiation skills, and problem-solving skills. situations that arise in practice at the facility. Especially knowledge and skills for dialogue about salary. This is the content most union members and workers expect.

Also provide solutions, according to MSc. Nguyen Van Canh - Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Chairman of the Bac Giang Provincial Labor Confederation, innovating and improving the quality of training and fostering is an important requirement of cadre work and must be identified as a regular, continuous job, including many contents: From innovation to identify subjects and training and fostering needs; innovate program and document development; innovate training and fostering methods; innovate training and fostering assessment; Build a team of staff working in training, management of training and fostering, and a team of part-time union lecturers... especially, it is necessary to classify staff to have appropriate training content and forms. fit.

Master Nguyen Van Canh. Photo: Hai Nguyen
Master Nguyen Van Canh. Photo: Hai Nguyen

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang : The General Confederation's Presidium hopes that the results of today's conference will be the basis and premise for the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and the Central Theoretical Council, the two central centers. The Party's leading political theoretical research and development center continues to research to consolidate and develop theoretical issues on trade union organizations in the Vietnamese political system; Forming new thinking and strategic orientations on organizational and operational innovation to improve the effectiveness, position, role, and mission of the Vietnam Trade Union; so that the Vietnam Trade Union continues to successfully complete the important responsibilities and missions assigned by the Party and State; meet the expectations of the working class, union members, and workers.

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn

Sâu sát người lao động để mang lại sự hài lòng

Kiều Vũ |

Tại Hội nghị Người lao động năm 2024 của Công ty TNHH KAI Việt Nam diễn ra cuối tháng 7 vừa qua, có sự tham gia của ông Nguyễn Đình Thắng - Chủ tịch CĐ Các khu công nghiệp và Chế xuất Hà Nội; ông Keijiro Takasaro - Giám đốc điều hành công ty và hàng trăm CNLĐ.

Yêu cầu cấp bách phải đổi mới mạnh mẽ, thực chất

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội - Ngày 5.8 Tổng LĐLĐVN phối hợp với Hội đồng Lý luận Trung ương và Học viện Chính trị Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh tổ chức Hội thảo khoa học “Đổi mới tổ chức và hoạt động Công đoàn Việt Nam trong tình hình mới”.

Cần nhiều cách làm thiết thực nhằm phát triển đoàn viên

Xuân Hùng |

Chiều 2.8, ông Nguyễn Xuân Hùng - Phó Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐ Việt Nam cùng đoàn công tác làm việc tại Thanh Hóa về phát triển đoàn viên, thành lập công đoàn cơ sở.

Kẻ dương tính ma túy gây tai nạn, bé 8 tháng tuổi mồ côi cha


Cần Thơ - Vụ đối tượng dương tính ma túy lái xe ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn vào trưa 26.9 đã để lại hậu quả nặng nề cho gia đình các nạn nhân.

Người dân mong dự án ngăn triều 10.000 tỉ sớm khởi động lại

Nguyên Chân |

TPHCM - Dự án ngăn triều dừng thi công kéo dài khiến người dân ở vùng trũng lo lắng và hi vọng dự án sớm khởi động lại.

Khủng hoảng tâm lý khi chứng kiến sạt lở ven sông Hồng


Hà Nội - Trong vòng chỉ hơn 1 tháng, hộ gia đình ở Gia Lâm chứng kiến 2 vụ sạt lở cuốn phăng công trình và nhiều diện tích đất thổ cư.

Hình ảnh Việt Nam tỏa sáng tại kinh đô điện ảnh Hollywood

Chí Long |

Chương trình xúc tiến du lịch - điện ảnh Việt Nam tại Mỹ với chủ đề “Việt Nam - Điểm đến mới của Điện ảnh thế giới” mở ra nhiều cơ hội hợp tác với các nhà làm phim Hollywood.

Thực hư cao tốc Hà Nội - Hải Phòng bị rải đinh

Minh Hạnh |

Đại diện đơn vị quản lý và khai thác đường ôtô cao tốc Hà Nội - Hải Phòng cho biết, không phát hiện có đinh rải trên đoạn tuyến từ km46-km64.

Closely follow workers to bring satisfaction

Kiều Vũ |

At the 2024 Labor Conference of KAI Vietnam Co., Ltd., which took place at the end of July, there was the participation of Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thang - Chairman of Hanoi Industrial and Export Processing Zones Council; Mr. Keijiro Takasaro - CEO of the company and hundreds of employees.

There is an urgent need for strong, substantive innovation

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi - On August 5, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor coordinated with the Central Theoretical Council and the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics to organize a scientific conference " Innovating the organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Unions in the new situation".

Many practical ways are needed to develop union members

Xuân Hùng |

On the afternoon of August 2, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and the delegation worked in Thanh Hoa on developing union members and establishing a grassroots trade union.