Practical support for nearly 1,000 workers and laborers affected by the storm

Đoàn Hưng |

Storm No. 3 has passed, but the consequences are severe and it will take time to overcome them. In the spirit of sharing and understanding, in recent days, trade unions at all levels in Quang Ninh province have carried out many timely and practical activities to support workers to stabilize their lives.

Practical support activities

According to the report of the Hai Ha District Labor Federation, the storm caused damage to 443 households of workers and laborers, of which 35 families suffered severe damage with collapsed houses and blown-off roofs. In this situation, the District Labor Federation quickly coordinated with sponsors to visit and provide initial support to 140 families.

On September 18, the District Labor Federation and the Hai Ha Construction Brick Production Company Limited presented 10,000 bricks to two families in difficult circumstances to rebuild their houses. At the same time, 100% of the grassroots unions promptly visited and encouraged workers and laborers in difficulty.

Mr. Bach Tung Lam - Vice Chairman of Hai Ha District Labor Federation - shared: "We will continue to support 2 more tons of cement for poor families in Quang Chinh commune and continue to propose that Quang Ninh Provincial Labor Federation support those who suffered heavy damage after the storm."

In Co To district, after storm No. 3, the whole district had 25 boats sunk, 4 aquaculture cages were completely damaged and more than 500 houses had their roofs blown off. Of these, many houses had their roofs completely blown off, causing serious damage to the people. To help people stabilize their lives soon, the Co To town Trade Union coordinated with associations to repair and clean up houses for disadvantaged households.

The family of Mr. Pham Van Thien (born in 1986), residing in Zone 1, Co To town, encountered many difficulties when the roof of their house was completely blown off after the storm. Thanks to the support of the town's Trade Union and other organizations, the house was repaired in just 2 days. Mr. Thien emotionally shared: "Without the help of the Trade Union, my wife and I would have taken a month to finish cleaning."

Mr. Pham Cong Hung, Chairman of the Co To Town Labor Union, said: “The people of Co To have a very high sense of self-reliance, however, there are still difficult circumstances that need the help of the community. The Union and other organizations will continue to mobilize working days to help, ensuring that people soon stabilize their lives and develop the socio-economy.”

Extend the journey of sharing

For Quang Ninh province, the damage caused by storm No. 3 was very severe, with a preliminary estimate of about 24,200 billion VND for the whole province, accounting for more than half of the total damage nationwide, including 25 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries...

According to incomplete reports from trade unions at all levels in the province, as of September 20, 2024, 8 workers were killed, 7 workers were injured; 2,174 workers' families had their houses flooded or damaged; 71 workers' houses completely collapsed and were swept away by water; many workers' families suffered heavy property damage.

Faced with the difficult situation, the Quang Ninh Provincial Federation of Labor quickly directed all levels of unions to visit and support workers. From the support sources of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and other provinces, nearly 1,000 affected workers and laborers have been cared for with a total amount of more than 1 billion VND.

In addition, the Quang Ninh Provincial Federation of Labor also received support from neighboring provinces with 5,000 moon cakes worth 1 billion VND from Huu Nghi Food Joint Stock Company and 900 boxes of instant noodles from the Da Nang City Federation of Labor for affected workers.

With the spirit of solidarity and mutual love, Quang Ninh trade unions at all levels pledge to continue to extend the journey of sharing to contribute to supporting workers affected by storm No. 3. At the same time, thereby affirming the irreplaceable position of trade unions with workers and laborers.

Đoàn Hưng

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Đoàn Hưng |

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Nhóm PV (Theo Verywellhealth) |

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Đoàn viên trường mầm non nhận hỗ trợ từ Công đoàn

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội - Ngày 20.9, LĐLĐ quận Bắc Từ Liêm cho biết đã kịp thời trao hỗ trợ cho đoàn viên Công đoàn Trường mầm non.

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Tuyết Lan |

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Hoài Phương |

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Đoàn Hưng |

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