Timely support for workers immediately after the storm

Mai Dung |

Not only quickly stabilizing production, ensuring jobs and income for workers, some businesses and grassroots unions in Hai Phong also encouraged and promptly supported workers to overcome damage caused by the storm.

Timely and practical support

With the desire to help employees overcome the difficulties and losses caused by storm No. 3, Fujifilm Manufacturing Hai Phong Co., Ltd. (VSIP Industrial Park) recently coordinated with the union to support all employees (as of September 27, they are still working at the company). The support level for more than 2,800 employees of the company is 1,400,000 VND/person, of which the company supports 1 million VND, the company's union supports 400,000 VND.

According to the representative of the Fujifilm Manufacturing Hai Phong Co., Ltd. Union, storm No. 3 caused great damage to the company. However, the company has recovered and resumed operations immediately after the storm. On the part of the employees, through surveys and information from the employees, many workers had their houses damaged or had their roofs blown off. Therefore, the company and the union met and agreed to support the employees to quickly stabilize after the storm. The payment was completed on September 30.

Ms. Bich Ngoc - a worker at the company - shared: "Receiving the message from the company, we love the company more than ever. The support gift is very meaningful, timely and practical."

According to Ms. Dinh Thi Thuy Ha, storm No. 3 caused damage to nearly 200 enterprises in industrial parks, the estimated amount of damage was thousands of billions of VND. After the storm, many enterprises had to temporarily suspend their employees to repair factories and overcome the consequences. However, in September, most of the employees returned to work, only more than 300 employees at Wayne Company Limited (Japan Industrial Park - Hai Phong) were still on leave while the enterprise overcame the consequences.

“Enterprises have implemented good policies for employees during the time off to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3. Some enterprises and grassroots unions have conducted surveys on the impact of the storm on employees' lives and provided timely support to help employees quickly stabilize their lives after the storm, keeping employees with the business for a long time,” informed the Chairman of the Hai Phong Economic Zone Trade Union.

Stable production, abundant jobs after the storm

Speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Vu Ngoc Thuc - Head of the Department of Legal Policy and Labor Relations of the Hai Phong City Labor Federation - said: Hundreds of businesses in Hai Phong suffered heavy damage caused by storm No. 3, but the "speed" of recovery of businesses is very fast, only about 1 week after the storm, most businesses have stabilized production again. Only a few units are still temporarily letting employees take time off to overcome the consequences.

According to Mr. Thuc, through quick information from the units, the employment situation of enterprises from now until the end of 2024 is relatively stable. Foreign-invested enterprises have abundant orders until the end of 2024 and the whole year of 2025, especially in the footwear, garment, electronics industries... Therefore, enterprises are speeding up the repair of factories to quickly start production, ensuring the progress of orders. At the same time, recruiting a large number of workers.

On the side of the Trade Union organization, the Hai Phong City Labor Federation directed all levels of the Trade Union to focus on reviewing and supporting workers after the storm. By the end of September 28, the City Labor Federation had paid nearly 1.2 billion VND in support to workers and is continuing to review and appraise to pay support to workers in a timely and appropriate manner.

Along with that, the Trade Unions at all levels focus on understanding the thoughts, aspirations, and employment situation of employees, promptly resolving employee petitions related to policies, working hours, overtime, etc. Thereby, stabilizing labor relations, helping businesses maintain production, ensuring rights and welfare for employees.

Mai Dung

Giáo viên xin hỗ trợ laptop, cái giá phải trả quá đắt

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