Reasons why 50,000-60,000 workers leave Dong Nai for other provinces


Dong Nai - 50,000 - 60,000 workers left Dong Nai for the provinces of the South Central, Southwest, and Central Highlands because the provinces also invested in industrial parks.

Labor migration due to provinces investing in building industrial parks

Mr. Huynh Tan Dat, Standing Deputy Secretary of Bien Hoa City Party Committee, said that Bien Hoa City has over 200,000 workers, 6 industrial parks and many small and medium enterprises, attracting workers from all 63 provinces and cities across the country to work.

However, currently, due to the world situation, businesses are facing difficulties, and there is a lot of labor migration because provinces have invested in building industrial parks and businesses are attracting workers, so migration is also reasonable.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc An - Deputy Head of Industrial Park Management in Dong Nai province informed that the labor force in industrial parks alone has decreased by nearly 16,000 people due to the shift to other places. According to Mr. An, the formation of industrial parks in the Central and Northern provinces, so workers moving back to their hometowns in these provinces to live and work will be more convenient than the current life in cramped boarding houses.

“The movement of workers to different locations signals a change, we need to pay more attention to labor quality” - a representative of the Management Board of Industrial Parks of Dong Nai province shared.

Mr. Nong Van Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Dong Nai province said that currently the labor force in Dong Nai province is about 1.3 million people.

Nguoi lao dong lam thu tuc huong bao hiem that nghiep tai Trung tam Dich vu viec lam Dong Nai. Anh: HAC
Workers complete unemployment insurance procedures at Dong Nai Employment Service Center. Photo: HAC

Since the beginning of the year, we have resolved nearly 40,000 workers receiving unemployment insurance, on average each month there are about 10,000 workers receiving unemployment insurance, meaning they are unemployed, a very large number - Mr. Dung said.

According to Mr. Dung, the list of nearly 1,500 businesses registering to recruit workers shows that the demand from now until the end of the year is from 15,000 to 18,000 workers. However, it is forecasted that only about 30% can be supplied, because workers transfer from one company to another, while workers from other regions are very few.

"We have cooperated with other regions such as the Central Highlands and the Southwest, but the number of people we registered and those they introduced did not meet the requirements," Mr. Dung added.

Workers leave Dong Nai, boarding houses are empty

In addition to the reason that provinces develop industrial parks, according to the actual records of Lao Dong newspaper reporters, in areas with a large number of workers in Dong Nai province such as Bien Hoa city, Trang Bom district, Nhon Trach district, Vinh Cuu district..., the dormitories for workers are quite dilapidated, while social housing for workers is scarce.

Dong Nai province has about 20,000 boarding houses with more than 150,000 rooms.

Khu nha tro cong nhan tai xa Thanh Phu, huyen Vinh Cuu. Anh: HAC
Workers' dormitory area in Thanh Phu commune, Vinh Cuu district. Photo: HAC

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many landlords have reported that due to lack of work, many workers have had to return their rooms. Mr. Luong Ngoc Nhe is the owner of two boarding houses in Thanh Phu commune, Vinh Cuu district with about 200 rooms, but now has 60 vacant rooms. The 40-room boarding house of Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Van in Thanh Phu commune, Vinh Cuu district also has more than a dozen vacant rooms.

According to Mr. Huynh Tan Dat, the migrant labor force in Bien Hoa City is very large, creating a great demand for workers' accommodation. Recently, after the COVID-19 pandemic, the locality has paid attention to upgrading accommodation to ensure workers have enough living conditions.

After the pandemic, the economy was difficult, landlords raised the rent, the Standing Committee of Bien Hoa City Party Committee worked with the boarding houses not to increase the rent during difficult times, ensuring stability for workers, and at the same time building social housing for low-income people.

According to the Dong Nai Provincial Federation of Labor, the province has more than 1.3 million workers, of which workers from other provinces account for about 60%. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of workers have moved from Dong Nai to other provinces, estimated at about 50,000 - 60,000 people, mainly concentrated in the South Central, Southwest, and Central Highlands provinces.


Khoảng 50.000 - 60.000 lao động rời Đồng Nai về các tỉnh


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