Social Insurance Industry Helps People Stabilize After Storm No. 3

Hà Anh |

The leaders of Vietnam Social Security have directed their affiliated units to continue to have solutions to ensure the rights of social insurance and health insurance participants.

On September 16, General Director of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen The Manh chaired a working session with relevant affiliated units on implementing policies to overcome the consequences of storm No. 3, ensuring the rights of social insurance and health insurance participants.

Accordingly, situations arising after storms and floods have been forecasted by Vietnam Social Security and have directed local Social Security agencies to proactively handle them early and remotely so that people's social insurance and health insurance benefits are guaranteed in the spirit of the fastest and most convenient reform.

Directing at the meeting, General Director Nguyen The Manh said that before, during and after storm No. 3, Vietnam Social Security has proactively and seriously implemented the instructions of the Government and the Prime Minister in caring for and supporting people and workers, ensuring that everyone has access to medical care and benefits. Vietnam Social Security always closely monitors the storm and flood situation, evaluates and makes early forecasts of difficulties and problems arising that affect the settlement of social insurance and health insurance regimes, thereby having solutions to overcome them in the spirit of immediate, quick, most convenient and most reformed resolution.

For areas directly affected by the storm (such as severe damage, isolation, disruption of traffic, infrastructure, communication, power and water outages, etc.), local Social Insurance agencies send staff together with relevant sectors and agencies directly to the area to promptly resolve social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance regimes, especially to remove difficulties and obstacles in the process of health insurance treatment...

With that spirit, during the days of natural disasters, the entire Vietnam Social Insurance sector overcame difficulties, fully and promptly ensuring the rights of social insurance and health insurance participants.

Outstanding in the work of health insurance examination and treatment due to early forecasting and planning, any arising difficulties are promptly grasped by Vietnam Social Security, coordinated with relevant agencies to immediately resolve, not to let medicine and medical supplies be lacking and not be able to be examined and treated.

For example, at Hoe Nhai General Hospital (Hanoi), due to the storm damaging the artificial kidney dialysis system, more than 200 kidney dialysis patients had their procedures reformed and were promptly transferred to other medical facilities for treatment while still ensuring their health insurance payment rights, without the need for a referral letter.

Similarly, Quang Ninh General Hospital, due to the storm and flood, lost water and could not wash the filter for reuse in hemodialysis, so the hospital was able to use this medical supply once to promptly treat and ensure the health of patients. In addition, in some areas of Lao Cai province, many people who lost or damaged medicine due to flood water have been fully compensated until the next period.

Or many people with chronic diseases in flooded, isolated, and cut-off areas who cannot go to medical facilities are also examined and given medicine at home by the Social Insurance Agency in coordination with the health sector with simple and convenient procedures, helping the treatment process not to be interrupted...

On behalf of the industry's leaders, General Director Nguyen The Manh acknowledged and highly appreciated the participation, efforts and responsibility of the affiliated units and Social Insurance of provinces and cities in recent days in implementing policies and regimes for people and workers in areas affected by storm No. 3. With a proactive, flexible and reformed spirit, with accurate, early and remote forecasts, the industry has quickly responded and resolved arising situations, supported and accompanied people and workers in difficult circumstances.

Assessing that the impact after storm No. 3 is still severe, General Director Nguyen The Manh requested affiliated units and Social Insurance of provinces and cities to continue to closely monitor and coordinate with relevant agencies, local Party committees and authorities to continue to have solutions to ensure the rights of participants in social insurance and health insurance, helping people have more resources and quickly stabilize their lives after natural disasters.

Hà Anh

Ưu tiên người bệnh nặng đến từ vùng ảnh hưởng của bão số 3

Hà Anh |

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Đan Thanh |

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Thạch Lam |

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Lam Thanh |

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