Vietnam Fisheries Union shares and accompanies fishermen in the Central region


10 years since its establishment, Vietnam Fisheries Union has accompanied, attached and shared with union members and fishermen nationwide in general and the Central region in particular.

Share in time

In Quynh Luu district, Nghe An, the Vietnam Fisheries Union has just provided support to fishermen and union members who suffered losses due to a shipwreck accident. The leaders of the Department of Fisheries and the Vietnam Fisheries Union provided support of 10 million VND to Mr. Tran Van Chinh's household - Quynh Long commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province, the owner of fishing boat NA 99977-TS that caught fire and sank at sea; and 2 million VND to support Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trong, a crew member of fishing boat NA 99977-TS who was injured while putting out a fire on the boat.

The leaders of the Department of Fisheries and the Vietnam Fisheries Trade Union presented 10 million VND in support to the representative of Mr. Nguyen Van Bon's family - Hai Tien village, Quang Thach commune, Quang Xuong district, Thanh Hoa province, the owner of the fishing boat TH 93355-TS that sank in the waters of Quang Ninh province, Mr. Bon himself was the owner of the boat that died. At the same time, the working group also presented support to 4 owners of fishing boats from Thanh Hoa province whose boats sank due to storm No. 3 in the waters of Quang Ninh, with a support level of 3 million VND/household.

Mr. Do Tien Dung - Vice President of the Vietnam Agricultural and Rural Development Trade Union and President of the Vietnam Fisheries Trade Union sympathized with fishermen about the huge loss of life, property and health due to the shipwreck accident and hoped that they would soon overcome difficulties, stabilize their lives and restore production, and continue to go out to sea.

Accompanying fishermen

Since its establishment (2014) until now, Vietnam Fisheries Union has regularly accompanied, shared and supported fishermen and union members nationwide in general and fishermen in the Central region in particular.

Previously, on February 2, 2024, the Vietnam Fisheries Union presented 2024 Lunar New Year gifts to fishing households in difficult circumstances in Dien Bich and Dien Ngoc communes (Dien Chau district, Nghe An). Here, the Vietnam Fisheries Union presented 15 gifts to 15 fishing households in difficult circumstances, each gift worth 500,000 VND.

Mr. Do Tien Dung said that after 10 years of establishment, there are now 90 grassroots fishing unions in 18/28 coastal provinces and cities nationwide, with about 18,690 union members working on over 5,000 fishing vessels.

Recently, the Vietnam Fisheries Union has advised and proposed to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to support union members in difficulty during the Lunar New Year, coordinate to support union members and fishermen who have risks when exploiting seafood at sea. Coordinate with agencies, organizations and enterprises to build charity houses, give national flags, life jackets, medical cabinets... to fishing vessels exploiting seafood at sea.

Up to now, the Vietnam Fisheries Union has donated 21 houses of gratitude; provided support and gifts with a total amount of about 35 billion VND, presented 14,470 national flags to fishermen, and equipped ICOM machines for fisheries unions in the provinces of Binh Thuan, Quang Ngai, Quang Nam, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, etc.

According to Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Huynh Thanh Xuan, the establishment of the Vietnam Fisheries Trade Union is very suitable to the aspirations of fishermen, creating a place to live, connect and accompany them in labor and production, contributing to building a national defense posture.

In particular, the activities of the Fisheries Union have gradually enhanced the role of the Trade Union organization, becoming a solid support for fishermen when going to sea, contributing to protecting the sovereignty of the sea and islands of the Fatherland.


Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá Việt Nam trao hỗ trợ ngư dân bị chìm tàu


Ngày 23.9, tại huyện Quỳnh Lưu, Nghệ An, Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá Việt Nam đã trao hỗ trợ cho ngư dân, đoàn viên nghiệp đoàn bị thiệt hại do tai nạn chìm tàu.

Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá Việt Nam có 90 Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Ngày 15.8, Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá Việt Nam đánh giá kết quả 10 năm hoạt động. Theo đó, đến nay Nghiệp đoàn có 90 Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá cơ sở.

Thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá xã Ngư Lộc


Thanh Hóa - Chiều 4.8, LĐLĐ huyện Hậu Lộc đã long trọng công bố quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá xã Ngư Lộc.

Nghiệp đoàn nghề cá giúp ngư dân vươn khơi bám biển


Các nghiệp đoàn nghề cá ở Sóc Trăng đã góp phần trợ giúp bà con ngư dân trong công tác tìm kiếm cứu nạn, mở rộng khai thác xa bờ, bám biển dài ngày.

Công bố Quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá F18


Thanh Hóa - Ngày 18.7, Công đoàn ngành Nông nghiệp Thanh Hóa đã long trọng tổ chức lễ công bố quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn nghề cá F18 Cảng cá Hòa Lộc.

Thêm hơn 200 đoàn viên tham gia nghiệp đoàn nghề cá ở Quảng Bình


Quảng Bình - Nghiệp đoàn nghề cá xã Cảnh Dương (huyện Quảng Trạch) vừa thành lập với hơn 200 đoàn viên.

Công bố quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá đầu tiên tại tỉnh Thanh Hóa


Thanh Hóa - Nghiệp đoàn nghề cá phường Quảng Tiến (TP. Sầm Sơn) là nghiệp đoàn cơ sở có đoàn viên khu vực phi chính thức đầu tiên được thành lập trên địa bàn tỉnh Thanh Hóa.

Cho thôi Đại biểu Quốc hội đối với Phó Bí thư Lâm Đồng

Lan Nhi |

Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội đã ban hành Nghị quyết về việc cho thôi làm nhiệm vụ Đại biểu Quốc hội khóa XV đối với ông Trần Đình Văn.

Vietnam Fisheries Union gives support to fishermen whose boat sank


On September 23, in Quynh Luu district, Nghe An, the Vietnam Fisheries Union presented support to fishermen and union members who suffered losses due to a shipwreck accident.

The Vietnam Fisheries Union has 90 grassroots unions

Kiều Vũ |

Hanoi – On August 15, the Vietnam Fisheries Union evaluated the results of 10 years of operation. Accordingly, up to now the Union has 90 grassroots Fisheries Unions.

Established Ngu Loc Commune Fisheries Union


Thanh Hoa - On the afternoon of August 4, the Labor Federation of Hau Loc district solemnly announced the decision to establish the Fisheries Union of Ngu Loc commune.

Fisheries unions help fishermen reach out to sea


Fisheries unions in Soc Trang have contributed to helping fishermen in search and rescue work, expanding offshore exploitation, and staying at sea for long periods of time.

Announcing the Decision to establish the F18 Fisheries Union


Thanh Hoa - On July 18, Thanh Hoa Agricultural Trade Union solemnly held a ceremony to announce the decision to establish F18 Fisheries Union of Hoa Loc Fishing Port.

More than 200 union members joined the fisheries union in Quang Binh


Quang Binh - Canh Duong Commune Fisheries Union (Quang Trach District) has just been established with more than 200 members.

Công bố quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Nghề cá đầu tiên tại tỉnh Thanh Hóa


Thanh Hóa - Nghiệp đoàn nghề cá phường Quảng Tiến (TP. Sầm Sơn) là nghiệp đoàn cơ sở có đoàn viên khu vực phi chính thức đầu tiên được thành lập trên địa bàn tỉnh Thanh Hóa.