"Insurance ticket" helps workers feel secure in their contributions


The Changshin Family Support Association was launched by the Executive Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union of Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Dong Nai) in 2002 and has now become an "insurance ticket" for thousands of workers to feel secure in working together. commitment and dedication to the company.

Initiative of the grassroots trade union

Mr. Dang Tuan Tu - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd. - said that in 2002 the Grassroots Union had the initiative to establish the "Changhsin Family Support Association". Accordingly, if a member unfortunately passes away, each member of the association will contribute 10,000 VND/person (previously 5,000 VND/person, 7,000 VND/person), then transfer it to the member's relatives, an amount of approximately 350 - 400 million VND. Due to its humanitarian nature, nearly 100% of workers registered to participate, even retired workers still registered. The entire Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd. in 3 branches currently has about 42,000 employees.

In August 2024, after Ms. NTH (41 years old), a worker at Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd. in Long Thanh district, died in a traffic accident, her 2 children were given a savings book of 354 million VND by the local union. until the two children reach 18 years old (currently they are 12 years old and 16 years old). Ms. H's husband, currently working as a worker at this company, also shared: "Thanks to the support from Changshin Family Support Association, I feel more secure about the lives of my two children in the future and continue to stick together. contribute to the company".

"Insurance ticket" for workers

Since its inception, the Changshin Family Support Association, derived from the initiative of the grassroots union, has created effectiveness in supporting workers. At its peak, during the 4th COVID-19 epidemic in 2021, at Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd., 15 workers died due to the COVID-19 epidemic, most of whom were members of the Changshin Family Support Association. The grassroots trade union went directly to workers' homes in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces to visit, encourage and give large amounts of money...

Like the case of a LHT worker (born in 1997), from Khanh Hoa province, who died due to COVID-19. The Executive Committee of the grassroots trade union from Dong Nai returned to Khanh Hoa province to hand over more than 270 million VND from the contributions of workers in the union (at that time each person contributed 7,000 VND/person).

Up to now, thanks to the effectiveness of the Changshin Family Support Association, many cases of workers like Ms. NTH's husband (NTH died in a traffic accident leaving behind 2 young children) have had a stable life, many workers also introduced introduce relatives to work at Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd...

Mr. Dang Tuan Tu - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Changshin Vietnam Co., Ltd. - shared: Building the Association, the union wants to share the burden to help workers have peace of mind and peace of mind in production. As for workers, joining this association is like joining an "insurance ticket" if unfortunately they encounter an incident, they will have a sum of money to take care of the funeral, take care of their family and children.

“There were cases where workers from far away villages came to Dong Nai to work but unfortunately died due to a traffic accident, then the Trade Union advanced money to help their families. After stabilization, the deceased worker's relatives returned to work at the company, and the union continued to hand over the remaining money to them" - Mr. Tu shared.

According to Changshin Family Support Association's regulations on inheritance rights, if the Member is married and raising children under 18 years old, the total amount collected by the Association will be saved for the children until they reach the age of 18. is the owner of the above savings account. Every month, the family or person raising the children will directly receive the profits to support the care and upbringing. If the member is single, the money is handed over to the member's family.


Có được cho thuê lại nhà lưu trú công nhân?

Nam Dương |

Bạn đọc có email thungaxxx@gmail.com hỏi: Người đang làm trong khu công nghiệp được thuê nhà lưu trú công nhân có được cho thuê lại nhà đó không?

Hơn 1.000 công nhân ngừng việc tập thể đã làm việc trở lại


Thanh Hóa - Hơn 1.000 công nhân ngừng việc tập thể đã làm việc trở lại, sau khi được phía doanh nghiệp đáp ứng đề xuất.

376 cán bộ, công nhân viên tham gia hiến máu tình nguyện

Hải Thanh |

“Ngày hội giọt hồng Meiko 2024” đã được tổ chức với sự tham gia hiến máu của 376 cán bộ, công nhân viên Công ty TNHH Điện Tử Meiko Việt Nam.

Hơn 1.000 công nhân ở Thanh Hóa ngừng việc tập thể


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Công nhân lao động Cần Thơ rạng rỡ trong lễ cưới tập thể

Phong Linh - Mỹ Ly |

8 cặp đôi là đoàn viên, người lao động (ĐV-NLĐ) của các đơn vị doanh nghiệp trên địa bàn được Công đoàn TP Cần Thơ tổ chức lễ cưới tập thể.

Sống chật ở khu công nghiệp, giải bài toán nhà ở công nhân

Phương Anh |

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Áp thấp mạnh lên thành bão, mưa lớn ở Bắc Bộ, Trung Bộ

Khương Duy |

Cục Quản lý đê điều và Phòng, chống thiên tai vừa phát đi tin áp thấp nhiệt đới gần Biển Đông và cảnh báo mưa lớn ở nhiều nơi.

Mệt mỏi vì bơm xong lại ngập trong biệt thự chục tỉ ở Hà Nội

Đền Phú - Vân Trường |

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Can workers' accommodation be sublet?

Nam Dương |

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Hải Thanh |

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Phong Linh - Mỹ Ly |

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Phương Anh |

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