Gather and mobilize workers to join specific trade unions

Phương Linh |

Working without a labor contract or being owed wages... are what many construction workers are facing.

To overcome this situation, trade unions at many localities are making efforts to increase their presence and protect the rights of union members and workers in this special area.

Workers are vulnerable to rights violations.

Mr. Vo Van Du (from Phu Yen) used to work as a construction worker for a contractor who carried out a project in Nha Trang City (Khanh Hoa) for 2 years. During the work, Mr. Du only received the agreed salary of 400,000 VND/day without any labor contract or documents other than a name card to enter and exit the construction site. When the project was almost completed, the contractor used the excuse of being behind schedule to delay paying Mr. Du. After more than 3 months of trying to go to work in the hope of getting his salary, Mr. Du finally gave up and went to work to earn a living because the contractor took his salary and ran away. Mr. Du's entire salary of more than 30 million VND was lost.

Recently, 12 workers of Construction Company 189 had to send a petition to the press after 2 years of unsuccessfully demanding their wages.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung (name has been changed), who used to work as a construction supervisor for Construction Company 189, said: “I was owed 5 months of salary. When I was owed salary, I could only contact the business owner but was promised for nearly 2 years. Although there was a labor contract, the company did not have a union, so the workers did not know how to claim their rights. After consulting and seeing that the company did not pay, I had to submit a petition to the authorities for help.”

More trade unions needed

According to the Social Insurance of Khanh Hoa province, out of 656 enterprises and units in the province that have participated in social insurance, there are 4,751 employees who have made tax settlements but do not participate in social insurance. The majority of employees work in the construction sector according to each project package; service units depend on the number of customers, so they only hire employees to serve by the day with less than 14 working days but still declare and settle personal income tax to reduce business costs.

Meanwhile, there are 484 units with 2,625 tax-settled employees who have not participated in compulsory social insurance. The reason is that businesses operating in the construction and hotel sectors often find ways to not sign labor contracts or participate in social insurance for employees because they only hire temporary, seasonal, or contracted workers who do not work 14 full working days, so participating in social insurance and health insurance for employees is difficult.

Mr. Bui Dang Thanh - Permanent Vice Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation - shared that in reality, construction workers in large units and enterprises with trade unions operate in an orderly manner, complying with policies for union members and employees. However, for workers who work without contracts, work on projects, receive daily wages... even though their income is high, it is not stable in the long term but is "quick-fix". With the mindset of "knowing today, knowing tomorrow", workers themselves do not want to participate in social insurance constraints.

“In the coming time, we are also working to coordinate and mobilize construction workers to raise awareness of their rights. Connect with key sources to gather workers working as bricklayers, painters, etc. to mobilize them to participate in establishing specialized trade unions. Through trade unions, workers will have an organization to organize activities, be updated on relevant legal policies, and especially access voluntary insurance regimes, social insurance, etc. to ensure a more sustainable future when the Trade Union is with them,” said Mr. Thanh.

Phương Linh

Công đoàn chi hơn 141 tỉ đồng hỗ trợ người lao động mất việc, giảm giờ làm

Hà Anh |

Theo Tổng LĐLĐVN, đã có 99.539 đoàn viên, người lao động bị giảm thời gian làm việc, chấm dứt hợp đồng lao động do doanh nghiệp bị cắt, giảm đơn hàng đã được Công đoàn Việt Nam hỗ trợ hơn 141 tỉ đồng.

Thủ lĩnh công đoàn vùng cao hết lòng vì người lao động

Vân Anh |

Trong suốt hơn 20 năm, anh Lê Mạnh Thắng (SN 1979) - Chủ tịch Công đoàn cơ sở (CĐCS) Phó Giám đốc Quỹ Bảo vệ và Phát triển rừng, trực thuộc Công đoàn ngành NNPTNT tỉnh Sơn La luôn gắn bó với ngành lâm nghiệp. Anh còn có nhiều đóng góp quan trọng cho hoạt động công đoàn...

Đồng Tháp tăng cường định hướng, giúp người lao động khởi nghiệp


Không để người lao động (NLĐ) đi làm việc ở nước ngoài theo hợp đồng “tự bơi” khi trở về nước, tỉnh Đồng Tháp tiếp tục tính đến chuyện thu hút đối tượng này tự tin khởi nghiệp, lập nghiệp trên chính địa phương mình.

Cảng Đà Nẵng, tiên phong chuyển đổi số và vì người lao động

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Cảng Đà Nẵng là Cảng duy nhất của Tổng Công ty Hàng Hải Việt Nam (VIMC) nhận danh hiệu “Doanh nghiệp tiêu biểu vì người lao động” 7 năm liên tiếp.

Công đoàn Bình Phước chăm lo thiết thực cho người lao động

Bùi Văn Sơn |

Ngày 14.10, LĐLĐ tỉnh Bình Phước tổ chức Hội nghị Ban Chấp hành lần thứ 5, nhiệm kỳ 2023 – 2028.

Thành lập nghiệp đoàn để đại diện cho quyền lợi của người lao động

Linh Nguyên |

Công đoàn ngành Xây dựng TP Hà Nội mới tổ chức công bố Quyết định thành lập Nghiệp đoàn Thợ xây Hà Nội. Đây là mô hình mới về tổ chức Công đoàn cơ sở để đại diện cho quyền lợi của người lao động.

Phụ huynh cho con đi học trở lại sau khi nhà trường nhận sai


Ninh Bình - Sau 2 ngày cho con nghỉ học để làm rõ thông tin nhà trường dùng sữa hết hạn cho học sinh uống, ngày 23.10, các phụ huynh đã cho con đi học trở lại.

Biển Đông vẫn là điểm nóng với các tranh chấp lãnh thổ

Ngọc Vân |

Biển Đông vẫn là điểm nóng với các vấn đề tranh chấp lãnh thổ và khác biệt về yêu sách biển, cùng với tình hình quân sự hoá tại khu vực.

Trade Union spends more than 141 billion VND to support workers who have lost their jobs and reduced working hours

Hà Anh |

According to the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, 99,539 union members and workers whose working hours have been reduced or whose labor contracts have been terminated due to businesses cutting or reducing orders have received more than 141 billion VND in support from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Highland union leader devoted to workers

Vân Anh |

For more than 20 years, Mr. Le Manh Thang (born in 1979) - Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union, Deputy Director of the Forest Protection and Development Fund, under the Trade Union of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector of Son La province, has always been attached to the forestry sector. He also made many important contributions to trade union activities...

Dong Thap strengthens orientation, helps workers start businesses


In order to prevent workers from working abroad under contracts from "swimming on their own" when returning home, Dong Thap province continues to consider attracting these people to confidently start and establish their own businesses in their own locality.

Da Nang Port, a pioneer in digital transformation and for workers

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Da Nang Port is the only Port of Vietnam National Shipping Lines (VIMC) to receive the title of "Outstanding Enterprise for Employees" for 7 consecutive years.

Binh Phuoc Trade Union takes practical care of workers

Bùi Văn Sơn |

On October 14, Binh Phuoc Provincial Labor Federation held the 5th Executive Committee Conference, term 2023 - 2028.

Form unions to represent workers' interests

Linh Nguyên |

The Hanoi Construction Trade Union recently announced the Decision to establish the Hanoi Construction Workers Union. This is a new model of grassroots trade union organization to represent the interests of workers.