Communication training for union officials

Quang Minh |

On September 19, the Vietnam Airlines Corporation Trade Union held a training conference on communication work in 2024 for 60 union officials.

Speaking at the training session, Ms. Duong Minh Anh - Deputy Head of the Trade Union Department of Vietnam Airlines Corporation said that communication work plays an increasingly important role in trade union activities and the sustainable development of enterprises.

Effective communication will spread the role and function of representing, caring for, and protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of workers of the trade union organization, promoting positive values ​​in the work and life of workers.

In the context of the explosion of information technology and the popularity of social networks, trade union communication work must change, combining word of mouth, tradition with modern communication (including the use of artificial intelligence AI) to process information to become attractive, responsive and effective.

That requires each union official to have new knowledge and skills in communication to convey messages promptly, flexibly, creatively, and attractively to union members and workers. Thereby contributing to the role of the union at all levels in bridging the gap between workers and employers, especially in a business like Vietnam Airlines - a business with complex production and business characteristics and high safety requirements.

Cac dai bieu tham du chuong trinh tap huan truyen thong cong doan. Anh: Quang Minh.

Delegates attending the trade union communications training program. Photo: Quang Minh.

In addition, trade union activities are repetitive, easily creating boredom for union members and workers. Therefore, officers of the trade union communication team need to identify groups of people using social networks and channels for receiving information from workers.

Through this, union communication officers are equipped with the skills to plan quarterly and annual communication content for the union's information page; content groups that union members and employees are interested in such as salary, bonus; labor policies; and workers' lives.

As part of the training, union communications staff also practiced using AI tools to write articles and create videos. The training program took place from September 19 to September 21 in Hue City.

Quang Minh

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Phong Linh |

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Nam Dương |

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Minh Hương |

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Duy Tuấn |

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Nam Dương |

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Tháng Công nhân Công đoàn Hàng không chi hàng tỉ đồng chăm lo cho người lao động

Minh Hương |

Ngày 31.5, Công đoàn Tổng Công ty Hàng không Việt Nam (Công đoàn Hàng không) tổ chức Tổng kết Tháng Công nhân; Tháng hành động về An toàn vệ sinh lao động (ATVSLĐ) năm 2024 và Cuộc thi “Tìm hiểu kiến thức về Công đoàn Việt Nam, Tổng Công ty Hàng không Việt Nam, pháp luật về ATVSLĐ”.