According to Decree 33/2023/ND-CP, commune-level cadres and civil servants are classified as administrative civil servants with the same training level as prescribed in the professional and technical salary table for cadres and civil servants in state agencies.
In case during the working period, commune-level cadres and civil servants have appropriate changes in their training level, the Chairman of the District People's Committee shall be proposed to arrange salaries according to the new training level from the date of graduation.
In case a person elected as a commune-level cadre, recruited or accepted to work as a commune-level civil servant but has worked for a period of compulsory social insurance payment, and has not received a one-time social insurance subsidy, the working period with compulsory social insurance will be counted as the basis for salary classification (except for probationary and probationary periods), the working period with non-continuous compulsory social insurance payment will be accumulated.
The types of allowances for cadres and civil servants specified in Decree 33/2023/ND-CP include: Seniority allowance exceeding the framework; leadership position allowance; concurrent allowance for positions and titles.