The whole Hung Yen province has developed 8,792 new union members

Hà Anh - Đền Phú |

On the morning of September 26, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor worked with the Standing Committee of Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee on the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions in 2024.

The delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor was led by Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu; Member of the Presidium, Head of Propaganda of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Vu Thi Giang Huong; Deputy Head of Finance of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan and representatives of leaders of departments under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor attended...

Pho Bi thu Thuong truc Tinh uy, Chu tich Hoi dong Nhan dan tinh Hung Yen Tran Quoc Toan (ben  trai) trong  buoi lam  viec voi Tong LDLDVN. Anh: Den  Phu
Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Hung Yen province Tran Quoc Toan (left) during a working session with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. Photo: Den Phu

On the side of Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee, receiving and working with the delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor were Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Hung Yen province Tran Quoc Toan; Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Mass Mobilization Committee of Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee Quach Thi Huong; Chairman of the Hung Yen Provincial Confederation of Labor Le Quang Toan...

Pho Chu tich Tong LDLDVN Ngo Duy Hieu phat bieu tai buoi lam viec. Anh: Den Phu
Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu spoke at the meeting. Photo: Den Phu

Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu said that the purpose of the working session was to comprehensively and objectively assess the leadership and direction of the Party Committee; the results of implementing the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions in Hung Yen; to exchange, review, and discuss measures to promptly have solutions and measures for leadership, direction and organization in the coming time on the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions in localities and sectors, contributing to the successful implementation of the target of developing union members in the spirit of Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW dated June 12, 2021 of the Politburo on innovation of organization and operation of Vietnamese trade unions in the new situation...

Mr. Le Quang Toan - Chairman of the Hung Yen Provincial Federation of Labor said that as of August 2024, the Provincial Federation of Labor managed 1,639 grassroots trade unions, an increase of nearly 30,000 union members compared to 2018; of which, the administrative sector had 808 grassroots trade unions with 30,395 union members, the production and business sector had 830 grassroots trade unions with 142,039 union members, the informal sector had 1 grassroots trade union with 39 union members. The number of workers increased rapidly in the non-state economic sector (in 2018, there were about 130,000 union members, and now there are over 168,000 union members, and workers)...

Chu tich LDLD tinh Hung Yen Le Quang Toan bao cao tinh hinh phat trien doan vien, thanh lap cong doan co so tai buoi lam viec. Anh: Den Phu
Chairman of the Hung Yen Provincial Federation of Labor Le Quang Toan reported on the development of union members and establishment of grassroots unions at the meeting. Photo: Den Phu

Based on the targets assigned by the Provincial Party Committee and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Federation of Labor has issued documents to lead and direct the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions. Along with that, in 2024, the Provincial Federation of Labor assigned the Federations of Labor of districts, towns, cities, and trade unions of sectors to develop an additional 20,000 union members and establish 60 new grassroots unions. The results of the work of developing union members and establishing grassroots unions are considered important criteria and bases in evaluating and classifying the quality of activities and considering emulation and rewards for collectives and individuals of each unit...

With effective implementation measures, since the beginning of the year, the whole Hung Yen province has developed 8,792 new union members. Of which, 6,644 new union members have been developed in private economic units, reaching 55.4% of the target assigned by the Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee; 39 union members have been developed in the informal sector, reaching 7.8% of the target assigned by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

The actual increase in union members was 5,464 members, reaching 27.6% of the target assigned by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and 27.3% of the plan built by the Provincial Federation of Labor.

The province has newly established 59 grassroots trade unions. Of these, 7 grassroots trade unions were newly established in the foreign-invested enterprises (FDI) sector; 51 grassroots trade unions were newly established in private economic units, achieving 85% of the target assigned by the Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee; 1 grassroots trade union was newly established, achieving 33.3% of the target assigned by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

LDLD thanh pho Hung Yen to chuc Hoi nghi cong bo quyet dinh thanh lap Cong doan Cong ty TNHH Dau tu Xuat nhap khau Hoan TT. Anh: CD Hung Yen
Hung Yen City Labor Federation held a conference to announce the decision to establish the Trade Union of Hoan TT Import Export Investment Company Limited. Photo: Hung Yen Labor Federation

Especially in the July period, "Peak month of developing union members, establishing grassroots unions, introducing outstanding union members to the Party", unions at all levels in Hung Yen province developed 3,089 new union members and established 18 new grassroots unions and introduced 56 outstanding union members for the Party to consider and admit.

"The newly established grassroots trade unions and labor unions have initially operated stably, contributing to further improving the regime, benefits and motivating union members and workers to compete to complete assigned tasks well, actively contributing to the sustainable development of enterprises and production and business establishments" - Chairman of the Hung Yen Provincial Labor Federation Le Quang Toan said.

Hà Anh - Đền Phú

Hải Dương còn nhiều dư địa để phát triển đoàn viên công đoàn

Mai Chi - Công Hòa |

Ngày 25.9, đoàn công tác của Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam có buổi làm việc với Tỉnh ủy Hải Dương về công tác phát triển đoàn viên trên địa bàn.

Lãnh đạo Tổng LĐLĐVN động viên CNLĐ ngành Giao thông Vận tải

Hà Anh |

Lãnh đạo Tổng LĐLĐVN vừa có chuyến công tác tới Kiên Giang để thăm hỏi, động viên, trao quà cho cán bộ, đoàn viên ngành Giao thông Vận tải.

“5 rõ” trong phát triển đoàn viên

Linh Nguyên |

Năm 2024, đến nay các cấp Công đoàn Thành phố Hà Nội đã thành lập được 526/492 CĐCS, đạt 107% chỉ tiêu Thành ủy Hà Nội giao.

PGS Đặng Bích Hà an nghỉ bên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến


Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Man United thua đậm Tottenham ngay trên sân nhà

Nhóm PV |

Tối Chủ nhật, Man United thua 0-3 trên sân nhà trước Tottenham trong trận đấu mà Bruno Fernandes nhận thẻ đỏ từ cuối hiệp 1.

Bé trai 3 tháng tuổi từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng đã tử vong


TPHCM - Bệnh viện Nhi đồng 2 cho biết, bé trai 3 tháng tuổi (từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng) tử vong do viêm phổi nặng, kém đáp ứng điều trị.

Dự báo thời điểm bão cuồng phong ở Philippines giật cấp 17

Song Minh |

Theo tin bão mới nhất, bão Julian ở Philippines (tên quốc tế là Krathon) đã mạnh lên thành bão cuồng phong vào chiều 29.9.

Đà tăng giá vàng phá vỡ "lời nguyền tháng 9"

Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

Giới chuyên gia nhận định tháng 9 thường là "điểm trũng" của giá vàng thế giới. Tuy nhiên năm nay, quan niệm này không còn chính xác.

Hai Duong still has a lot of room to develop union members

Mai Chi - Công Hòa |

On September 25, a working delegation of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor had a working session with the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee on the work of developing union members in the area.

Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor encourage workers in the Transport sector

Hà Anh |

Leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor recently made a working trip to Kien Giang to visit, encourage and give gifts to officials and union members of the Transport sector.

"5 clear" in developing union members

Linh Nguyên |

In 2024, up to now, Hanoi City Trade Unions at all levels have established 526/492 grassroots trade unions, reaching 107% of the target assigned by the Hanoi Party Committee.