Below are 5 things to keep in mind and not to do when drinking milk, according to reputable scientific studies from world health organizations.
Drink milk when hungry
Drinking milk on an empty stomach can cause stomach upset and reduce the ability to absorb nutrients. According to research from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the protein in milk can stimulate the production of stomach acid, leading to stomach pain or indigestion if consumed on an empty stomach.
To get the most out of milk, combine it with a light snack like bread, cereal or fruit.
Mix milk with sugar while still hot
Mixing hot milk with sugar is a common habit but poses potential health risks. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), when sucrose is exposed to high temperatures, it reacts to create toxic compounds such as fructosyl lysine, which can increase the risk of cell damage and cause long-term health problems.
Instead, wait for the milk to cool before adding sugar, or choose natural sweeteners like honey.
Drink milk with medicine
Milk can reduce the effectiveness of some medications, especially antibiotics. According to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, calcium and proteins in milk can bind to drugs, reducing their absorption into the body.
Some medications such as tetracycline and ciprofloxacin are not recommended to be taken with milk. Consult your doctor before combining milk with any medication.
Drink milk right before or after meals
Drinking milk too close to a main meal can cause bloating and slow down digestion. According to research from the American Dietetic Association, milk is high in protein and fat, which slows down digestion if consumed right before or after a meal.
The ideal time to drink milk is between meals or before going to bed, helping the body absorb maximum nutrients.
Boiling milk for too long or boiling it multiple times
Heating milk for too long or too often can destroy its nutritional value. According to research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin B12 and protein in milk can be destroyed at high temperatures for long periods of time.
Heat milk over low heat and for a short time only, avoid boiling it again and again to preserve nutrients.