How to Cut Sugar to Avoid Diabetes

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Diabetes & Heart) |

Type 1 diabetes does not come from eating too many sweets. But cutting down on sugar is necessary to avoid the risk of getting the disease.

Causes of type 1 diabetes

When the immune system malfunctions, it affects and destroys cells in the pancreas, leading to the risk of type 1 diabetes. At this time, the body gradually loses its ability to produce insulin and glucose levels also increase.

When glucose levels exceed the allowable level, it can easily cause diabetes. Therefore, it can be said that people with type 1 diabetes are not caused by eating too many sweets.

How to cut down on sugar

The body needs to be fully supplemented with nutrients to function and develop normally. Therefore, it is not advisable to completely cut out a large amount of sugar. Foods containing natural sugar such as milk, fruits, and vegetables are recommended for daily meals, especially breakfast.

You can reduce your sugar intake by creating a reasonable lifestyle, exercising regularly and limiting staying up late.

Use natural fruits or yogurts, but use low-sugar yogurt instead of dried fruit products, cakes, and candies.

Cut down and change unhealthy diets. Avoid consuming and adding too much sugary foods like chocolate and sweets.

Add a variety of healthy fresh vegetables. Drink unsweetened fruit juice instead of sugary drinks.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Diabetes & Heart)

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