Green papaya is rich in fiber, which helps increase the feeling of fullness and control appetite. According to research by the US National Institute of Nutrition, consuming foods rich in fiber helps reduce hunger, thereby limiting snacking and reducing the amount of calories absorbed into the body. Fiber also has the ability to slow down the digestive process and support intestinal function, helping the body easily eliminate waste and excess fat.
In addition, green papaya contains papain - an enzyme that can break down protein in the body, supporting better digestion. Green papaya can reduce bloating and indigestion, help the body absorb nutrients better, thereby helping to lose weight more effectively when combined with a reasonable diet.
What's special is that green papaya is very low in calories and contains a lot of water, so it helps maintain body moisture without causing weight gain. A study by the American Dietetic Association showed that adding low-calorie foods like green papaya to the diet can reduce total calorie intake without causing nutritional deficiencies.
To prepare green papaya into a weight loss dish, you can choose from papaya salad, papaya soup or stir-fried papaya with vegetables. Note that during the preparation process, avoid using too much oil or sugary spices. Processing in these ways not only helps retain the maximum nutrients in papaya but also supports the weight loss process effectively.