Good habits of long-lived people


Maintaining good relationships with people around you, managing stress... are habits of people who live long lives.

Long-lived people often have some special habits that contribute to maintaining good health and longevity.

One of the most important habits is maintaining a healthy diet.

Long-lived people often eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts. Their diet is often low in red meat and processed foods, instead of foods rich in nutrients, low in calories. This helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

In addition to diet, regular physical activity is an important habit. They often participate in activities such as walking, gardening, or light exercise.

These activities not only help maintain strong muscles and bones, but also improve the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mood.

Long-lived people do not necessarily have to exercise at high intensity, they maintain gentle, regular daily exercise.

Maintaining positive social relationships is also an important factor because supportive family, friends, and community relationships help people feel happy and reduce stress.

Many studies show that loneliness and lack of social connection can have negative impacts on health and longevity. People with good relationships are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and are better able to cope with life's difficulties.

Optimistic mental habits and the ability to manage stress also contribute to longevity. Long-lived people often practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or prayer.

Maintaining an optimistic spirit and learning to let go of unnecessary worries helps them sleep well, improve immune function, and maintain mental health.

Overall, these good habits not only improve physical health but also bring mental balance, helping them live a long, happy life.


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4 chất nên hạn chế sử dụng để sống thọ hơn


Sống thọ và khoẻ mạnh luôn là ước mơ của nhiều người. Việc ăn uống và sử dụng các chất có trong thực phẩm một cách khoa học sẽ giúp góp phần kéo dài tuổi thọ.