Business - Entrepreneur

confusion between Rang Dong Plastic and Rang Dong Water Lanterns


Rang Dong Plastic Joint Stock Company and Rang Dong Water Phosphate Lamps Joint Stock Company are two completely different enterprises.

Samsung Vietnam appoints new General Director


Samsung Vietnam officially appointed Mr. Na Ki Hong as General Director from March 1, 2025.

Public investment promotes corporate profits in many industry groups


In 2025, public investment is expected to play an important role in promoting economic growth and profits of related enterprises, especially the infrastructure construction, construction materials and real estate industries.

Korean Group invests in logistics project in Hai Phong


On February 25, at Nam Dinh Vu Industrial Park, Hai Phong, Jeil Group Korea started the Jeil Logistics 1 Project.

Will support the construction of a 5G broadcasting station if the following conditions are met


Enterprises that quickly deploy 5G network infrastructure can receive support money from the State budget if they meet certain conditions.