Diddy's son has also been accused of sexual assault


Before rapper Diddy was arrested for investigation into shocking sexual allegations, the rapper's son was also accused of being involved in similar acts.

In recent days, the world has been abuzz with the news that "music mogul" Sean "Diddy" Combs was arrested and faces serious charges of extortion and sex trafficking.

Previously, in April 2024, Christian Combs, the rapper's son, was also accused of sexual assault in a lawsuit filed.

This lawsuit is not only aimed at Christian but also involves Diddy himself. After connecting the events, many people believe that the two incidents are closely related.

Truoc Diddy, con trai nam rapper nay cung tung vuong cao buoc tan cong tinh duc. Anh: Instagram nhan vat
Before Diddy, this rapper's son was also accused of sexual assault. Photo: Instagram character

According to CNN, the 31-page lawsuit against Christian Combs was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, according to the plaintiff's attorney, Grace O'Marcaigh. The victim is described as a waiter, crew member and bartender on a yacht chartered by Diddy's family in December 2022.

The trip was advertised as a “wholesome family trip” but later turned into a “hedonistic environment,” according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit also alleges that prostitutes and other celebrities were regularly brought on board.

The lawsuit describes how early on the morning of December 28, Christian Combs forced O'Marcaigh to drink a shot of tequila and then attacked her shortly after. O'Marcaigh believed the tequila Christian Combs brought onto the boat may have been spiked.

The lawsuit cites a recording from a makeshift recording studio on the yacht, where O'Marcaigh said the attack began. According to a portion of the recording included in the lawsuit, O'Marcaigh was forced to drink and asked Christian Combs, "Are you giving me drugs?", to which Combs responded, "Drink this."

The lawsuit alleges that Christian Combs “cornered” O’Marcaigh in a room and “became extremely aggressive and combative.” Combs allegedly grabbed O’Marcaigh’s arm and attempted to force himself on her, only stopping when another cruise ship employee entered the room. Photos included in court documents show bruises on the plaintiff’s arm.

Following the alleged attack, O'Marcaigh's mental and physical health declined. She began to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, among other issues.

Diddy va con trai cung nhau bieu dien tai le trao giai MTV 2023. Anh: MTV
Diddy and his son performed together at the 2023 MTV Awards. Photo: MTV

Diddy is not accused of sexual assault in the lawsuit but is implicated in liability and aiding and abetting allegations.

Attorneys for Sean and Christian Combs said they believe the lawsuit contains "fabricated lies and irrelevant facts," and they will seek to "dismiss this ridiculous allegation."

The lawsuit is one of several filed against Sean Combs, following searches by federal investigators at the rapper's homes in Los Angeles and the Miami area.

Previous lawsuits have accused the rapper of a range of deviant sexual acts and other illegal activities. However, the recording industry mogul has denied all allegations.


Chi tiết gây sốc nhiều người bỏ qua trong bê bối tình dục Diddy


Những người tham gia những buổi thác loạn của Diddy sử dụng IV Drips (truyền dịch tĩnh mạch) để hồi sức sau các cuộc vui.

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Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


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