Shocking details many people missed in Diddy sex scandal


Participants at Diddy's parties used IV Drips to recover after the fun.

In recent days, the arrest of music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs and his serious accusations of extortion and sex trafficking have shocked the Hollywood entertainment industry and attracted global attention.

According to The Sun, a recently released indictment alleges Diddy hosted multi-day parties, known as "Freak Offs," that featured a slew of celebrities.

Leonardo DiCaprio duoc cho co lien quan cac bua tiec cua Diddy. Anh: Daily Mail
Leonardo DiCaprio's photo with Diddy went viral. Photo: Daily Mail

When police raided and searched rapper Diddy's home in March 2024, they seized more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil, lubricants, and weapons, including three AR-15s with obliterated serial numbers.

However, one notable detail in the indictment that was overlooked by many was the use of IV Drips during and after the parties.

Diddy and his fellow participants “were often given intravenous fluids to recover from physical exertion and drug use,” prosecutors said.

The use of this medical method shows the extreme level of sexual activity that takes place at parties, sometimes lasting for days.

The indictment also alleges that Diddy used drugs and violence to control the participants. Prosecutors said the singer “distributed various narcotics to the victims, in part to keep them docile and compliant.”

Diddy is also accused of using physical violence, including "hitting, kicking, throwing objects and sometimes pulling the victim by the hair."

Video Diddy danh ban gai cu Ventura duoc lan truyen sau khi nguoi nay dam don kien nam rapper. Anh: Cat tu video
Video of Diddy assaulting his ex-girlfriend Ventura in a hotel room goes viral. Photo: Cut from CNN video

Diddy's lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, said his client intends to plead not guilty and will "address this matter with all his energy and strength."

According to The Sun, if convicted, Diddy could face a total of 45 years in prison.

Neu bi bat giu, Diddy co the doi mat voi an 45 nam tu giam. Anh: The Sun
If arrested, Diddy could face up to 45 years in prison. Photo: The Sun

Diddy's arrest comes after a series of civil lawsuits accusing the rapper of sexual assault and abuse.

Attorney Damian Williams said the investigation is ongoing and additional charges may be filed against Diddy and his alleged co-conspirators.


Netflix làm phim về vụ bê bối của Diddy


Theo Variety, Netflix đang sản xuất loạt phim tài liệu về các cáo buộc buôn bán tình dục, tống tiền, lạm dụng bạo lực của nam rapper Diddy (Sean Combs).

Justin Bieber tiếp tục đứng giữa bão dư luận vì Diddy

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Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Biểu tượng tâm linh 70 tỉ đồng đang thi công ở Lào Cai

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Thêm một thi thể mất tích tại Làng Nủ được tìm thấy

Đinh Đại |

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Netflix Making a Movie About Diddy's Scandal


According to Variety, Netflix is ​​producing a documentary series about the allegations of sex trafficking, extortion, and violent abuse by rapper Diddy (Sean Combs).

Justin Bieber continues to be in the middle of a public storm because of Diddy

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