Is the concept that men build houses and women build homes still relevant?

PGS.TS Bùi Hoài Sơn - Ủy viên Thường trực Ủy ban Văn hóa Giáo dục của Quốc hội |

The saying "men build houses, women build homes" has existed for a long time, but its meaning has not faded in modern society.

“Men build houses, women build homes”

We often say "men build houses, women build homes" as a way to emphasize the different roles of men and women in the family.

Although each era has certain differences, I believe that the meaning of this saying still has a certain relevance, especially in transmitting cultural values ​​and family happiness from the wife and mother.

The mother and wife in the Vietnamese family have long been likened to a warm, quietly burning fire, keeping the home filled with love and happiness. The mother and wife are the heart of the family.

Their love is not expressed in noble words, but is shown through warm meals, affectionate eyes or gentle hugs for children after a long day.

In the family, women are often the spiritual support, the invisible glue that binds all members together. They understand that happiness does not always come from big things, but rather from the peace in every day moment.

The proverb “When the husband is angry, the wife should say less, and the rice will never burn if it is boiling” reflects the wife’s ingenuity and patience in maintaining the warmth and harmony among family members. With a tolerant heart, they are willing to take a step back and give in to maintain balance, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and keep the flame of love forever.

The keeper of the fire, the caretaker of the home

The proverb “When husband and wife are in harmony, they can drain the East Sea” affirms the unity of husband and wife, that as long as there is unity and sharing, all difficulties can be overcome. The wife not only shares the responsibility but also always supports and encourages her husband in all circumstances. With gentleness, they help their husbands feel safe and trustworthy, and through that, build a solid and lasting relationship.

In modern society, women continue to play an important role in building a home, but with significant changes to adapt to the new pace of life. They are not only the ones who take care of the family, preserve traditional values, but also accompany their husbands in sharing responsibilities and financial burdens.

The division of household chores becomes more balanced, with both husband and wife sharing childcare and managing their lives, helping to reduce the burden on women and build more equal families.

In addition, women today play an important role in educating their children, combining traditional and modern methods. They teach their children not only about morality and etiquette but also about creative thinking, independence and adaptability to social changes. Maintaining autonomy and financial independence also helps modern women become more confident in life and a solid support for their families.

Women are still the ones who keep the fire burning, taking care of the home by creating a harmonious family space, loving and respecting each other. They are flexible in preserving the family's cultural identity, while knowing how to innovate and integrate with new trends in society. By harmonizing traditional and modern values, women continue to affirm their indispensable role in building family happiness in the new era.

Thus, we can see that the saying "men build houses, women build homes" has existed for a long time, but its meaning has not faded in modern society.

Although the role of women has changed with many new responsibilities, they are still the heart of the family, the one who preserves and spreads the values ​​of love and care. Thanks to that, both genders contribute equally and complement each other, creating a sustainable family in the new era.

PGS.TS Bùi Hoài Sơn - Ủy viên Thường trực Ủy ban Văn hóa Giáo dục của Quốc hội

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