How does Diddy's lawyer explain the 1,000 bottles of oil?


Diddy's attorney explains the confusion surrounding the seizure of more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil during a search of the rapper's home.

In recent days, Hollywood and the global entertainment world have been abuzz with the arrest of music mogul Diddy, who is facing a series of serious charges related to sex trafficking and extortion. One of the notable points in this case is the discovery of more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil in Diddy's homes in Los Angeles and Miami.

In response to public doubts about the true purpose of these oil bottles, Diddy's lawyer - Mr. Marc Agnifilo - gave explanations.

Ong Marc Agnifilo giai thich ve so luong lon dau em be duoc tim thay trong nha cua Diddy. Anh: Cat tu video cua CTV News
Marc Agnifilo explains the large amount of baby oil found in Diddy's home. Photo: Cut from CTV News video

In an exclusive interview with TMZ for the upcoming documentary about Diddy's life, "The Downfall of Diddy: The Indictment," Agnifilo expressed skepticism about the 1,000 bottles of baby oil figure: "I don't know where the 1,000 number came from. I can't imagine there being thousands of bottles."

When it was confirmed that the number came from federal documents, the attorney quickly added that he was “not sure baby oil had anything to do with this.”

When the reporter suggested that baby oil might be used as a lubricant during Diddy's "sex parties," Agnifilo replied: "I guess so. I don't know what you need 1,000 bottles for - one bottle lasts a long time. I don't know what you even need 1,000 bottles for."

Explaining why his client Diddy bought baby oil in bulk, lawyer Agnifilo replied: "He has a big house, so he buys in bulk."

The lawyer continued: "Have you ever sat in the parking lot of Costco and watched what people buy when they leave?"

Many believe that lawyer Agnifilo's explanation and response show an attempt to downplay the severity of the seizure of a large amount of baby oil in rapper Diddy's home, while trying to give a reasonable explanation for possessing such a large amount.

However, the issue remains a point of intense contention in the ongoing case of Sean "Diddy" Combs.


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