
G-Dragon creates an earthquake with the song "Too Bad" and new album


G-Dragon's song "Too Bad" climbed to the Top 1 of the Melon chart at the first hour of release. This is an achievement that very few K-pop artists can achieve.

The nominator for Best Actress at the 2025 Oscar is more determined than Tran Thanh's Mai


The nominator for the Best Actress Oscar 2025 mentioned Phuong Anh Dao's role as Mai, Tran Thanh's highest-grossing project with 550 billion VND.

Airlines employee sells BTS flight information for profit


An employee of an international airline was caught red-handed selling flight booking information of BTS and other celebrities for profit.

Actor of the movie Fate of the Fate series related to a murder case


Actor Li Uy is involved in the case of a 50-year-old woman who died in a monastery in Taiwan (China).

Former Editor-in-Chief of Tien Phong Newspaper - poet Duong Ky Anh passed away


Poet Duong Ky Anh is 77 years old. During his lifetime, he was the initiator of the Miss Vietnam contest.

The reason Minh Hang was praised at "Sister Who Makes Wave 2024"


Her upgraded beauty made Minh Hang receive a lot of compliments when participating in "Sister Who Makes Wave 2024".

Hua Quang Han kisses his U60 senior on stage, shocking


Hua Quang Han had a kiss on stage with actress Ngo Quan Nhu.

3 Reasons to Watch Korean Drama “When the Phone Rings”


The Korean drama "When the Phone Rings" starring Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin is attracting attention as soon as it airs.

"Chai" Long Vu revealed the reason why he was conquered by HIEUTHUHAI


Actor Long Vu shares his love for 2 Brother shows, in which Long Vu has special feelings for HIEUTHUHAI and People's Artist Tu Long.

Rose's achievements when no longer singing with Bruno Mars


Rose's (Blackpink) new song's achievements have significantly declined after the hit "APT." in collaboration with Bruno Mars.

4 "Call Me by Fire" explodes at the mini show "Lord"


The talents from the show "Call Me by Fire" are Bui Cong Nam, BB Tran, S.T Son Thach and Neko Le brought an explosive music night to the mini show "Lord" on the evening of November 23.

Toc Tien was not chosen by anyone, Minh Hang took the lead in Sister


Performance 2 "Sister Who Makes Wave" attracted the audience by changing all the rules and lineup.

Producer Linh Mieu talks about Thuy Tien's servant role


Director Vo Thanh Hoa praised Miss Thuy Tien's performance in the movie "Linh Luc".

What did Miss Thanh Thuy say about Blackpink and the Anh Trai ticket hunting incident


In the "3 minutes with a celebrity" challenge, Miss Thanh Thuy expressed her regret for not having time to hunt for tickets to 2 Anh Trai shows.

Tuan Ngoc won 1st runner-up, Puerto Rico representative crowned Mr World


Pham Tuan Ngoc of Vietnam won the first runner-up title of Mr World 2024, the representative from Puerto Rico won the highest position in the final on the evening of November 23.

Suspicion that Hoai Lam wants to give up the stage name given by Hoai Linh


The fact that Hoai Lam used his real name Tuan Loc to perform made many audiences suspect that he wanted to abandon the stage name given to him by his adoptive father Hoai Linh.

Showbiz beat: Miss Y Nhi's return causes controversy


Miss Huynh Tran Y Nhi's controversial reappearance, HIEUTHUHAI's strange actions... are the entertainment news highlights on November 23.

Blackpink unexpectedly surpasses BTS to become the hottest Kpop artist


According to the Korea Brand Reputation Research Institute, Blackpink, Lim Young Woong, BTS are the singers topping the November brand value rankings.

What is in the international male pageant held in Vietnam?


The Mr World final took place on the evening of November 23 in Phan Thiet, gathering 60 male kings from countries and territories, including Tuan Ngoc (representing Vietnam).

Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin are causing a stir on social media


The video of Wallace Huo and Ruby Lin going to see their daughter perform at school has attracted more than 20 million views on Weibo.