The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has just issued a document guiding a number of contents of organizing the 2025 high school graduation exam.
Accordingly, the exam questions for candidates taking the exam for the General Education Program are issued with Decision No. 16/2006/QD-BGDDT dated May 5, 2006, the Continuing Education Program is issued with Decision No. 50/2006/QD-BGDDT dated November 7, 2006 (abbreviated as the General Education Program 2006) as follows:

The exam schedule for candidates taking the exam with the Exam of the Current General Education Program is as follows:

Candidates taking the graduation exam under the new Program must take four exams, including Math and Literature. In addition, students choose two subjects they have studied at school (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, History, Economic and Legal Education, Information Technology, Technology and Foreign Language).
Literature exam in the form of an essay. The remaining subjects are in multiple-choice format with questions choosing the correct answer, answering the correct/false answer and answering short.
In the formula for calculating graduation scores, the scores of the subjects account for 50%; the rest are the transcript scores of grades 10, 11 and 12 (50%) and priority scores if any. Compared to before, the academic transcript score increased by 20%.
Candidates taking the exam under the old program will take the Literature, Math, Foreign Language exam, at the same time as one of two subjects: Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Civic Education).
The exam results will be announced on July 16, one day earlier than last year.