New developments in the case of frustration over collection fees in Thanh Hoa


Thanh Hoa - Regarding the incident of parents being upset about the fees, the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town has verified, inspected and requested the Principal to learn from experience.

On October 2, a representative of the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town (Thanh Hoa) said that the unit had reported on the incident of the collection of fees at the beginning of the school year at Hai Thuong Primary School.

Truong Tieu hoc Hai Thuong (thi xa Nghi Son, tinh Thanh Hoa). Anh: Minh Hoang
Hai Thuong Primary School (Nghi Son town, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Minh Hoang

According to the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town, the day after Lao Dong newspaper reported that "parents with children studying at Hai Thuong Primary School were afraid of fees at the beginning of the new school year", the unit organized an inspection and verification at this school.

The inspection results of the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town determined that the school had implemented the collection in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hoa province and the instructions of Nghi Son town.

Although the inspection results of the Nghi Son Town Department of Education and Training confirmed that the above fees were in accordance with regulations, when asked about the socialized fee (VND 250,000/student) at this school, the representative of the Nghi Son Town Department of Education and Training admitted that the school's decision to set such an average fee was against regulations. Because socialized contributions are voluntary and depend on the conditions of the parents.

Cac phu huynh co con theo hoc o Truong Tieu hoc Hai Thuong (thi xa Nghi Son, tinh Thanh Hoa) to ra buc xuc, “so hai” ve cac khoan thu dau nam hoc. Anh: Phu huynh cung cap
Parents whose children study at Hai Thuong Primary School (Nghi Son town, Thanh Hoa province) expressed their anger and “fear” about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year. Photo: Provided by parents

Explaining further about other fees such as English (700,000 VND/student), life skills (350,000 VND/student), the representative of the Nghi Son Town Department of Education and Training said that the above two fees are implemented according to the Resolution of the Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Council and the official dispatch of the Provincial Department of Education and Training on the maximum fees for districts and towns in the field of education.

In addition, with the fee for extra sessions (1,575,000 VND/student), the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town determined that the school has a policy of teaching extra sessions (extra sessions) for students in Math and Vietnamese in all grades in the afternoon, but without collecting money.

However, in class 2C, at the class parent-teacher conference, parents mentioned supporting and encouraging teachers to teach extra classes, so the homeroom teacher of class 2C mentioned this amount of money, causing parents to misunderstand that the school was collecting it. After that, the school promptly corrected the teacher, reminded the teacher, and explained to the parents.

After checking and verifying, the Department of Education and Training of Nghi Son town requested the Principal of Hai Thuong Primary School to seriously learn from experience when implementing the content to teachers and parents.

Previously, as Lao Dong reported, after the parents' meeting on September 14, many parents with children studying at Hai Thuong Primary School, Nghi Son town expressed their anger and "fear" about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year.

According to parents, among nearly 20 fees, with a total amount of nearly 5 million VND, the fee for additional sessions (15,000 VND/session) is not in accordance with regulations. In addition, the school organizes teaching of English and Life Skills programs (collecting an additional 10,000 VND/student/session) which is overlapping and also incorrect.

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen - Principal of Hai Thuong Primary School, most of the above fees are implemented by the school in accordance with regulations and guidance documents of Nghi Son Town People's Committee. Only the fee for extra hours is not implemented by the school and does not collect money from students.

After the incident, the school asked a homeroom teacher (class 2C) to write a self-criticism for implementing and announcing the extra session fee against regulations.


Phụ huynh bức xúc vì cô giáo xin hỗ trợ laptop

Chân Phúc |

TPHCM - Một giáo viên chủ nhiệm xin lớp hỗ trợ laptop, không được 100% phụ huynh đồng ý, nên cô có ứng xử không phù hợp khiến phụ huynh bức xúc.

Công an vào cuộc xác minh vụ phụ huynh bức xúc các khoản thu


Thanh Hóa - Thị xã Nghi Sơn đã giao cơ quan công an và phòng giáo dục xác minh, làm rõ vụ việc phụ huynh bức xúc, “sợ hãi” về các khoản thu đầu năm học.

Vụ phụ huynh ý kiến về khoản thu đầu năm: Địa phương sẽ xác minh


Thanh Hóa - Trước sự việc phụ huynh một trường tiểu học ở thị xã Nghi Sơn bày tỏ “sợ” các khoản thu đầu năm, lãnh đạo thị xã cho biết, sẽ chỉ đạo xác minh.

Vụ phụ huynh “sợ” các khoản thu đầu năm: Kiểm điểm cô giáo


Thanh Hóa - Sau khi phụ huynh tại một trường tiểu học (ở thị xã Nghi Sơn) bức xúc, "thấy sợ" về các khoản thu đầu năm học, nhà trường đã kiểm điểm một cô giáo.

Hiệu trưởng nói nam sinh trong clip Long Biên chỉ lên an ủi vì cô giáo đang buồn


Hà Nội - Trường THPT Thạch Bàn (quận Long Biên) đã tạm đình chỉ giáo viên có hành động thân mật với học sinh ở trong lớp học.

TPHCM công bố đề thi tham khảo vào lớp 10 năm 2025

Chân Phúc |

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo TPHCM đã chính thức công bố đề thi tham khảo lớp 10 các môn áp dụng cho kỳ thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 năm 2025.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ vé máy bay cho đoàn viên về quê đón Tết

Hà Anh |

Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN vừa ban hành Kế hoạch tổ chức các hoạt động chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động dịp Tết Nguyên đán Ất Tỵ 2025.

Trực tiếp bóng đá Nam Định 0-0 Bangkok United: Hiệp 1


Trực tiếp trận đấu giữa câu lạc bộ Nam Định và Bangkok United tại Cúp C2 châu Á, diễn ra lúc 19h00 hôm nay (2.10).

Parents upset because teacher asked for laptop support

Chân Phúc |

HCMC - A homeroom teacher asked the class for laptop support, but did not get 100% of the parents' consent, so she acted inappropriately, making the parents angry.

Police investigate parents' anger over fees


Thanh Hoa - Nghi Son Town has assigned the police and education department to verify and clarify the case of parents being upset and "scared" about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year.

Parents' comments on the first-year collection: Local authorities will verify


Thanh Hoa - In response to the incident where parents of a primary school in Nghi Son town expressed "fear" of the early-year collection fees, the town's leaders said they would direct verification.

Parents “fear” of early-year fees: Teacher criticized


Thanh Hoa - After parents at an elementary school (in Nghi Son town) were upset and "scared" about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year, the school disciplined a teacher.