Many new points in enrollment
In 2025, the Academy of Finance plans to have 6,320 full-time university admission targets, including 3,300 admission targets for international certificate orientation programs; 2,700 standard program targets; 320 targets for international joint programs with many new majors/training programs from this year;
With the standard program, the school plans to open new majors: Political Economics - Finance; Economic Law; Financial Mathematics; Data Science in Finance; Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Accounting.

The remaining 9 new majors in the international certificate orientation program expected to be opened by the Academy are: Banking; Financial investment; Tax and tax administration; Management and Control Accounting; Public accounting; Real estate valuation and business; International business; Corporate governance; Investment economy.
Regarding admission methods, this year the Academy of Finance plans to apply 4 methods including: Direct admission and priority admission according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; admission of candidates with outstanding abilities; admission based on the results of the 2025 high school graduation exam; combined admission.
Along with that, according to general regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, this year the Academy of Finance will consider scores for all 3 years of high school (ie including the second semester of grade 12) using methods using transcript scores. At the same time, the admission scores of the methods will be converted to a common, unified scale.
Students will be able to take additional classes on Start-ups
According to Dr. Trinh Thanh Huyen - Director of the International Training Institute, Academy of Finance, from the 2025 - 2026 school year, the joint training program between the Academy of Finance and the University of Greenwich (UK) will have additional Start-up subjects in the training program.
After having knowledge of corporate finance, students will learn how to write a startup plan. In addition, students studying this program of the Academy of Finance will have many practical experiences, get acquainted with the labor market early and easily get into the rhythm of work after graduation.
"Since the second year, students have been able to participate in career guidance activities. Depending on each subject, the school will design practical activities. For example, studying Accounting, students will be able to go on field trips, practice at accounting companies, banks or participate in virtual securities exchanges, create accounting and stock trading..." - Ms. Huyen said.

According to Dr. Trinh Thanh Huyen, one of the biggest advantages for students studying the DDP program (Coordinated training program for each side with a bachelor's degree in Dual Degree Programme) is to possess 2 degrees after graduation: 1 with a regular degree in Finance - Banking, majoring in Corporate Finance from the Academy of Finance and 1 degree in Accounting - Finance issued by the University of Greenwich (UK).
In addition, students are also exempted from studying and taking exams in all 9 subjects F (from F1 to F9) within the framework for taking the accounting and auditing practice certificate of ACCA Global, IELTS with a minimum output of 6.0.
"Therefore, job opportunities for graduates of this program are very open" - Ms. Huyen said.