The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has just announced Conclusion No. 32/KL-TTr after conducting an inspection of Vinh Long University of Technical Education.
Regarding enrollment and training management, the inspection conclusion clearly stated:
In 2021, implementing the regular enrollment target, the School recruited 5.4% more than the announced target for the V major (1,471/1,395 successful candidates).
In 2022, for regular enrollment, the School exceeded its enrollment target in the following fields: Social Sciences and Behavior (227/200, exceeding the announced target by 13.0%); Journalism and Information (34/30, exceeding 13%); Law (59/50, exceeding 18%).
In 2022, the School has determined the enrollment and training targets for 14 majors with a total of 580 targets. Of which, the field of Engineering Technology has determined 385/780, accounting for 49% (according to regulations, it is 30%). The number of successful applicants is 243, accounting for 31% of the target by field (according to regulations, it is 30%).
Similarly, at the International University, the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Training concluded that the university organized university admissions in 2021, with group III enrolling 26.1% more students than the announced target; group V enrolling 11.1% more students than the announced target; and group VII enrolling 11.4% more students than the announced target.
The university organized the 2022 undergraduate enrollment in the field of Business and Management, recruiting 13.5% more students; the field of Mathematics and Statistics recruited 23.3% more students; the field of Computer & IT recruited 22.5% more students; and the field of Engineering Technology recruited 18.8% more students than the announced target.
Regarding the handling measures under the authority applied, the Inspection Team has recommended and drawn up a record of administrative sanctions against the School for the violation of enrolling students beyond the quota for a number of majors, groups of majors, and fields at the university level in 2021 and 2022.
The Ministry of Education and Training Inspectorate also announced the conclusion of a series of violations at Trung Vuong University, Vinh Phuc province, in the period 2020-2022.
Accordingly, in the 2020-2022 period, this school recruited hundreds of times more students than the regulations. In 2020, the Business and Management, Law, and part-time programs recruited nearly 750 students, while there were only 100 targets, exceeding 647%. By 2022, the health sector (part-time program) recruited more than 500 students, while there were only 64 targets, exceeding 737%.
According to Clause 3, Article 10 of Decree 04/2021/ND-CP, universities that enroll students in excess of their quota will be fined from VND 5,000,000 to VND 70,000,000. At the same time, the violating university will also be forced to reduce the number of students enrolled the following year to at least the number of students who have exceeded their quota.
However, schools still enroll more than their quotas regularly. Many people believe that the current form of “penalty for survival” is not enough of a deterrent because the benefits of enrolling more than the quota are higher than the penalty.