Thanh Hóa Recruits Thousands of Teachers Before the New Academic Year


Thanh Hóa - The current shortage of teachers in Thanh Hóa has "cooled down” compared to 2023, as the local authorities have and are currently recruiting thousands of new teachers.

Regarding the issue of teacher shortage on the threshold of the 2024-2025 academic year, in an interview with Lao Động, Mr. Trần Văn Thức - Director of the Department of Education and Training (GDĐT) of Thanh Hóa Province - stated that recently, Thanh Hóa was the locality with the largest number of teachers added nationwide, with 2,700 positions from the Ministry of GDĐT entering the civil service. In addition, the Provincial People's Council has hired an additional 3,800 cases, totaling 6,500 teachers.

Representative of the provincial leaders
The Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hóa Province stated that the province has and is currently recruiting thousands of new teachers. Photo: Quách Du

“At the current time, localities have recruited 50% (i.e., over 3,000 teachers), and it is expected that from now until the start of the new school year, more than 3,000 teachers will be recruited” - Mr. Thức informed.

According to Mr. Thức, the addition of over 6,000 teachers has helped the levels of education at localities to solve the fundamental issue of teacher shortage. However, the difficulty at present is that teacher recruitment must ensure the regulations, through many steps, and the source of recruitment at some localities is currently not abundant.

To solve the source of recruitment, the Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hóa Province has ordered thousands of education students from 2 large universities in Thanh Hóa Province and other universities, so it is expected that next year the source of recruitment will be more abundant.

“At present, the teacher shortage is not only occurring in Thanh Hóa but all localities across the country. In addition, due to the 2018 general education program having many new points, especially the self-chosen subjects in the secondary and high school levels, the number of teachers is always changing” - Mr. Thức stated.

The Director of the Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hóa Province added that in 2023, the education sector of Thanh Hóa Province was short of over 10,000 teachers compared to the prescribed rate by the Ministry of Education. However, with the addition of 6,500 new teachers this year, the education sector of Thanh Hóa Province in general and all levels of education on the entire territory in particular have basically overcome the reality of teacher shortage.


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