More Prohibited Behavior Suggestions for Teachers

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Commenting on the draft Law on Teachers, many agencies, ministries, and schools proposed additional prohibited behaviors for teachers.

The Draft Law on Teachers was drafted by the Ministry of Education and Training. The draft law has quite comprehensive and detailed provisions to improve the quality of the teaching staff and protect the legitimate rights and interests of teachers. At the same time, it stipulates prohibited acts of individuals and organizations related to teachers along with regulations on handling violations of prohibited acts.

This not only creates a complete legal corridor for teachers to carry out their professional activities, but also strengthens the necessary legal aspects to protect teachers in their professional activities.

In addition, the draft Law also proposes 8 prohibited acts for teachers, including:

- Insulting the dignity, honor, and body of students, colleagues, and people;

- Discrimination among learners in any form;

- Cheating, intentionally distorting results in enrollment, testing, examination, and student assessment activities;

- Distorting educational content; taking advantage of teaching and educational activities to propagate content contrary to the Party's guidelines and viewpoints, the State's policies and laws, propagating hostile policies, causing division in the great national unity bloc;

- Forcing students to participate in extra classes in any form, paying fees outside the provisions of the law;

- Taking advantage of the title of teacher and teaching and educational activities to commit illegal acts; allowing others to use the teaching license in any form;

- Quitting work without permission, participating in illegal strikes;

- Violating teachers' ethics and other prohibited acts as prescribed by law.

Regarding the 8 prohibited acts in the draft Law, according to the summary of explanations and comments on the draft Law on Teachers by the Ministry of Education and Training, many educational institutions and ministries participated in contributing comments.

Can Tho University proposed to change from “forcing students to participate in extra classes in any form, paying fees…” to “putting pressure on students to participate in extra classes, requiring payment of fees…”. The reason for this proposal is to increase deterrence, teachers are not allowed to pressure students to participate in extra classes.

The Committee for Ethnic Affairs recommends that the drafting agency consider adding a prohibition on forcing students to participate or not participate in entrance exams and excellent student exams at all levels in any form. This behavior has occurred in a number of educational institutions and violates the legitimate and legal right to education of the above subjects.

Some localities have proposed adding a regulation prohibiting teachers from refusing to accept and educate students, except in cases prescribed by law; adding regulations prohibiting teachers from pursuing achievements, formalities, and dishonesty in educational institutions.

The reason given by localities is that this content is very necessary, the disease of achievement is still very serious in the country's education system, causing many bad consequences for education.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training add the following prohibited acts: Taking advantage of the title of teacher to recruit students, open classes, and receive teaching assignments without actually teaching; Cheating, copying, falsifying research results and publishing research results.

The draft Law on Teachers is currently being consulted. According to the plan, the Government will submit the draft Law on Teachers to the National Assembly for comments at the meeting next October.

Trang Hà

Quy định mới về giáo viên bị thu hồi giấy phép hành nghề

Trang Hà |

Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đề xuất nhà giáo có kết quả đánh giá không hoàn thành nhiệm vụ 2 năm liên tục sẽ bị thu hồi giấy phép hành nghề dạy học.

Đề xuất mới điều kiện cấp giấy phép hành nghề cho giáo viên

Trang Hà |

Theo Bộ GDĐT, giấy phép hành nghề dạy học nhằm tạo điều kiện để giáo viên tham gia tuyển dụng, là căn cứ đánh giá, điều chỉnh các chương trình đào tạo sư phạm.

Đề xuất nhiều hành vi bị nghiêm cấm với giáo viên

Trang Hà |

Giáo viên bị nghiêm cấm ép buộc người học tham gia học thêm dưới mọi hình thức, nộp các khoản tiền ngoài quy định của pháp luật.

Dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh sắp bao trùm miền Bắc


Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh trong 24 giờ đến 48 giờ tới.

Chưa rõ nguyên nhân hơn 40 người ở chung cư nghi ngộ độc


Nghệ An – Cơ quan chức năng đang tiếp tục xác minh nguyên nhân vụ hơn 40 người ở chung cư Golden City 3 (Nghi Phú, TP Vinh) có biểu hiện ngộ độc.

Thanh niên tử vong khi livestream cảnh báo sạt lở QL2

Lam Thanh |

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Quy định là khung, việc ký phối hợp sẽ dựa trên thực tế

Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

Hà Nội – Ngày 30.9, tại kỳ họp thứ 7, khóa XIII Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN dưới sự chủ trì của Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN Nguyễn Đình Khang, các đại biểu đã cho ý kiến vào Tờ trình dự thảo Quy định về mối quan hệ phối hợp công tác giữa Công đoàn ngành Trung ương và tương đương với các LĐLĐ tỉnh, thành phố.

1 tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Một tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả bị phát hiện và xử phạt.

New regulations on teachers whose practice licenses are revoked

Trang Hà |

The Ministry of Education and Training has proposed that teachers whose assessment results fail to complete their tasks for two consecutive years will have their teaching licenses revoked.

New proposal for conditions for granting practice licenses to teachers

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According to the Ministry of Education and Training, teaching licenses are intended to facilitate teachers' recruitment and are the basis for evaluating and adjusting teacher training programs.

Proposed many prohibited behaviors for teachers

Trang Hà |

Teachers are strictly prohibited from forcing students to participate in extra classes in any form or to pay any amount of money outside of the provisions of the law.