Debate on whether to keep or abolish the parent-teacher association

Trần Hạnh |

At the beginning of the new school year, a series of stories of dissatisfaction with the activities of the parent-teacher association have left the public wondering. So should this association be retained or not?

Many mixed opinions

In the new school year, the story of overcharging and the role of the parent-teacher association has erupted again, causing public outrage. Many parents believe that the activities of this association are almost solely for the purpose of collecting money, so it should be abolished immediately to prevent this situation.

Having a child in grade 7, and having experience participating in the parent-teacher association from elementary school to high school, Ms. Nguyen Thanh Nhung (Bac Ninh) agrees with the idea of ​​abolishing this association. According to Ms. Nhung, in addition to the fees required by the school, there are many additional fees collected by the parent-teacher association. These fees can be up to millions of VND/semester. No one wants their child to be disadvantaged, so they have to accept the payment. However, each family's circumstances are different, and the additional fees cause a financial burden.

This parent believes that it is not entirely correct to say that the parent-teacher association was established to closely monitor the learning situation of their children. Nowadays, with modern means of communication, teachers will directly inform parents. If teachers participate too much in teaching activities, it will become invisible pressure for them.

On the other hand, some parents believe that the parent-teacher association should continue to be maintained because it helps connect parents with teachers and schools. Having two children in school and having been the head of the parent-teacher association for many years, Ms. Vo Thi Thanh Binh (Nghe An) believes that this association always accompanies teachers and children. “In addition to learning activities in class, children need to participate in extracurricular activities and entertainment inside and outside of school. These activities not only require money but also require contributions, at this time the parent-teacher association will be effective,” said Ms. Binh.

To help the parent-teacher association properly perform its duties

Speaking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Dr. Vu Thu Huong - education expert, former lecturer at Hanoi Pedagogical University - explained the reasons why the parent-teacher association has become "ugly".

In fact, this committee has a large function and role, but it is currently quite distorted. For example, it is very normal for students to clean the classroom and school yard, contributing to the training of human personality. However, many parents think that their children should only focus on studying, that working is too much, so they directly pay for cleaning. In addition, lack of consensus in work and lack of transparency in income and expenditure are also reasons that make the image of the parent-teacher association "ugly".

“The parent-teacher association needs to have a correct understanding of the problem, and correctly identify the role, tasks, and functions of the organization in the school. Based on each activity and educational goal set by the school, the parent association will discuss and reach an agreement to effectively implement supplementary learning programs,” shared Dr. Vu Thu Huong.

Trần Hạnh

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